- Target Designator Control 目标指示器控制
- Radar Target Designator Control 雷达目标指示器控制
- Target Designator Control Unit 目标指示器控制装置
- The target design characteristics of the clutch system are achieved.The clutch system is capable to meet the demand of APU start and stop control. 离合器系统的主要技术指标达到了设计要求,可满足辅助动力单元起/停控制的要求。
- Designing control system needs abundant knowledge. 设计控制系统需要丰富的知识
- Responsible to follow company design control practices using the Tollgate process. 负责运用卡门工艺于公司的设计控制上。
- A new way is proposed to design control panels of precise titration in infusion. 摘要提出了一种一次性恒速输液装置的设计思路。
- It is applicable in appraising objectively the performance of the long distance laser equipment that is similar to the laser target designator and in measuring . 在对激光目标指示器等远场激光照射器的性能评价和激光通信中的远场激光信息场的测量中有较大实用价值,并对大面积的激光光斑的测量有重要的参考价值。
- Special Design Control System for Annealing Furnace offer High Quality Combustion and Sheet Temperature Control. 特殊设计的退火炉控制系统,能提供精确和高质量的燃烧和带钢温度控制。
- Based on above discussion, an optimized target design is presented at last, which suggests the target size along the direction of backlighting transmittion should decrease. 由此,提出了新的靶优化设计方案,应尽可能减小沿背光方向的样品尺寸。
- Directly making a program design control to the register and memory in EGA/VGA has characteristics of display at a high speed and overall functions. 直接对EGA/VGA上的寄存器和内存编程控制,具有显示速度快和功能全的特点。
- Due to the non-affine form of the control inputs, feedback linearization method can not be used to design control system. 由于该系统的控制输入为非仿射形式,不能采用反馈线性化的方法设计控制系统;
- Organize monthly promotional activities to attract target designers to our showrooms. 每月组织促销活动为展厅吸引目标设计师;
- Undertakes design control of cardiovascular stents, performs laser processing, cleaning, polishing and process control for cardiovascular stents and is responsible for examination, testing and quality control of cardiovascular stents. 负责心血管支架的设计控制,心血管支架的激光加工,清洗,抛光和工艺控制,进行心血管支架的检验,测试和质量控制。
- According to the cost origin,5 key points of the control are discussed including the land development and charge control,plan and design control,contract control,project budget control,owner supply material control. 通过分析成本的来源,结合实践从五个关键控制点展开论述,即土地开发及相关费用控制、规划设计控制、合同控制、工程预(决)算控制、甲供材料控制。
- The schemes employ a recursive algorithm to design controllers for every subsystem, respectively, and take predesigned control inputs as disturbances. 该方案通过逐层递推的方法,分别针对每一个子系统单独设计控制器,将本层之前已设计的多项控制输入作为等价干扰。
- LTDR Laser Target Designator Receiver 激光目标指示符接收器
- The simulations and experiments show that the new designed control system reaches the goal of zero overshot and rapid response. 仿真和试验表明设计的新型控制系统实现了无超调和快速响应的目标。
- Laser Target Designator and Ranger 激光目标指示器与测距仪
- This paper adopt new methods and equipments to design control system from the chip level via compare the characteristics, functions and primary structure form of various elevator control system. 本文的主要工作是:通过对比各种电梯控制系统的发展、特点、功能及主要的结构形式,根据电梯系统的自身情况,采用新的开发手段及硬件设备,从芯片级出发设计控制;