- Target Signature Analysis Center 目标特征分析中心
- Radar Target Signature Analysis 雷达目标特征分析
- Target Signature Analysis 目标特征分析
- A comprehensive review on the radar target signature of aircraft and space vehicle, essentially from the view point of ECM and radar remote sensing, has been delivered. 本文着重从电子对抗和雷达遥感角度综合评论了航空和航天目标的雷达特征问题。
- This paper presents a review of various faults detection methods, theory and put emphasis on the so-called MCSA method (Motor Current Signature Analysis). 分析了异步电机各种常见故障的原因及常用的诊断方法,重点研究了定子电流频谱分析法(MCSA)的诊断原理。
- Calibration and Analysis of Precision for Radar RCS Target Signature 雷达RCS目标特性测量的标定与精度分析
- In the course of tracking JR motive targets, a large number of false alarm signals might appear in the target detection stage of an IR ATR system because of the non-prediction of IR targets signature. 摘要在红外动目标序列图像跟踪过程中,由于目标本身的红外特征具有较大的不可预测性,使ATR系统在目标探测阶段产生大量的虚警讯息。
- On Fine Signature Analysis Technique 信号细微特征分析技术研究
- spectral liquid signature analysis 光谱液滴分析
- Theory Analysis of Back Projection Imaging Algorithm and Target Signature Restoring 反向投影成像算法的理论分析及目标特征恢复
- He traced his signature laboriously. 他吃力地签上自己的名字。
- The content of this paper mainly includes: target detection and azimuth estimation of passive fishery detector, extraction, classification and identification of target signatures. 论文的主要内容包括:被动式渔探仪的目标检测与方位估计,目标特征提取与分类识别。
- Signature Analysis on Physical Ability of the Boys Soccer Players 少年男子足球运动员体能特征分析
- Seismic reflectance signature analysis of fracture-cave strata 缝洞岩层地震波反射特征分析
- This document bore his signature. 这份文件上有他的签名。
- The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标。
- Using Analog Signature Analysis to Orientation Fault Quickly 利用端口特征分析实现故障的快速定位
- He faked his father's signature. 他伪造父亲的签字。
- Donald be forced to forge a signature. 唐纳德被迫伪造签字。
- The company has met their export target. 该公司已经实现了它们的出口目标。