- Taxable object and tax base 征税对象
- On Relationship between Taxable Profits and Tax Base and Pre-tax Accounting Profits 应税利润与计税基础、税前会计利润之间的关系
- Taxpayer: what about the tax base? 纳税人:计税收入如何确定?
- Tax Bases: tax on immovable property (excluding land) of enterprises and organizations and tax on land. 征税对象:对公司和组织的不可动产(不包括土地)和所有土地征税。
- Taxpayer: if both the tax payable and tax return are overdue, what will happen? 纳税人:如果缴税和申报同时过期了怎么办?
- Reflect object and application status. 反应对象和程序的状态。
- Object and a pair of 64-bit integers. 对象和一对64位整数初始化。
- Object and bind it to the command. 对象,并将其绑定到此命令。
- Corporate tax base is very mobile. 企业税的税基具有非常高的流动性。
- Object and once for the code that invokes it. 对象的代码,另一次是检查调用该对象的代码。
- Business Subcontracts can enjoy care of tax base. 业务分包的可实行税基照顾;
- Object and specify the name of the key container. 对象,并指定密钥容器的名称。
- Debt financing has leverage effect and tax benefit. 负债融资具有杠杆效应,有节税收益。
- Object and the underlying stream. 对象和基础流。
- Financial Management and Tax Planning? 四、财务管理及税务策划?
- Object and two arrays of 64-bit integers. 对象和两个64位整数数组初始化。
- Does that include service charge and tax? 包含服务费和税吗?
- Who can access what object and in what mode. 谁能在哪种模式下访问那一个对象。
- A lack of appropriate funding and tax arrangements? 缺少合适的资金筹措与税收安排?
- Cost, fees and taxes that are included or not included in the customs value as stipulated in this set of regulations shall be based on objective and quantifiable data. 第二十八条按照本条例规定计入或者不计入完税价格的成本、费用、税收,应当以客观、可量化的数据为依据。