- Taylor bag filter 泰勒袋滤器
- Application of bag filter for BF gas in Nanchang Iron and Steel Co. 南钢高炉煤气布袋除尘的应用。
- A bag filter for dust abatement at the discharge point should be provided. 在卸料地点应该装设袋滤器以消除粉尘。
- Recycling return blower repeat the process above, it may enter more than wind bag filter purification. 循环风返回鼓风机再重复以上过程,余风则进入袋式除尘器净化。
- Application of fully dry type bag filter in No.8 BF of Changzhi Iron and Steel Co. 长钢8号高炉全干法除尘技术应用实践。
- Running practice of bag filter for gas from No. 3 blast furnace in Taiyuan Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. 太钢3号高炉煤气全干式布袋除尘系统运行实践。
- A new type tee joint reversed valve, which was used in negative pressure bag filter with opposite blow, is reported. 本文介绍负压反吹风布袋除尘器中一种新型的三通换向阀.
- Bag filter used in high temperature conditions should prevent gas leakage and dewing phenomenon. 高温条件下的袋收尘器更应防漏气,确保不发生结露现象;
- Construction of large cement grinding station results in vast application of large bag filter with pulse plenum. 大型粉磨站的建设,使大型气箱脉冲袋收尘器得到迅速推广;
- Our company offers services of design, production and installment of types of electrostatic precipitator、bag filter. 公司可为用户设计、制作、安装各种形式静电除尘器、布袋除尘器;
- Do not use without paper bag filter in place. Empty paper bag and clean filter frequently when picking up very fine materials such as powder. 必须要安装垃圾纸袋。在吸完类似粉末的垃圾,必须清空垃圾袋并且清洁过滤器。
- Introducing the application of the ovenproof filter material, and recapitulate the prospect of the bag filter application in our country. 重点介绍了耐高温滤料的应用,展望了袋式除尘器在国内的发展前景。
- Abstract: This paper introduces the example of large LFEF bag filter instead of ESP applied in large dryer in cement produce. 文摘:介绍了在水泥生产中,用大型LFEF袋式除尘器代替电除尘器在大型烘干机上应用的实例。
- After adopting crystal seed burning in shaft kiln, the existing LFEF bag filter appeed a serial of abnormal working condition like dew etc. 安徽省东关水泥厂立窑采用晶种煅烧工艺后,原用LFEF装除尘器出罢了结露等一系列不良工况。
- Operating on the principle of depth filtration, needled felt bag filter are effective at removing both solid and gelatinous particles. 过滤袋具有纳污能力高、耐腐蚀性强、耐温好、流量大、操作方便、使用寿命长、没有纤维脱落等诸多特点。
- The fire resistant bag filter with fire resistant technology conquers the weakness of groovy impulse bag filter and prolongs the life of the filter. 阻火型除尘器以它独特的阻火技术,克服了常规脉冲袋式除尘器的弱点,延长了滤袋的寿命。
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
- I am not entirely a back number, Taylor. 泰勒,我还不是一个毫无力量的人。
- The working principles and applications of acoustic wave ash clean-out device on ESP and bag filter are mainly introduced. 主要介绍了声波清灰技术在静电除尘器和布袋除尘器中的工作原理及其应用现状。