- On the practice of the blended instructional model in teaching Basic Computer Science in universities for nationalities 民族高校计算机应用基础教学中混合教学模式的实践与探索
- Teaching basic computer 计算机基础教学
- The participants said they valued this special opportunity very much and would teach what they had learned to their colleagues and students to help more people master basic computer skills. 老师们纷纷表示,非常珍惜这次宝贵的学习机会,将会把学到的知识教给自己的同事和学生,使更多的人掌握电脑的基本知识。
- This paper discusses the problems of curricular setting, teaching methods and examining forms of Basic Computer Teaching in the arts. 探讨了大学文科专业计算机基础教学中的课程设置、教学手段和考核方式等问题。
- Fluent English ability and basic computer using ability. 流利的中英文听、说、读、写能力及电脑操作能力;
- This is the basic computer "keyframe" approach to animation. 这也是计算机动画所采用的基本原理。
- In VB teaching, how to solve the baldness in program design always interests the teachers who teach the basic computer courses. 在VB教学中,如何解决程序设计本身枯燥难学这个难题,一直是高校计算机基础课教师颇感兴趣的课题。
- Good mathematics and logical thinking, command basic computer operate skills. 良好的数学以及逻辑思维,掌握基本计算机操作技能。
- Understand basic computer and multimedia technology concepts and terminology. 能?解基本的电脑和多媒体科技的概念和术语。
- Books teaching basic idioms and expressions for daily communication are the most popular. 其中,有关日常交际用语和习惯表达的书最受欢迎。
- Since most of them have never had an opportunity to use computer, the training began with turning on and off the computer. Basic computer and Internet skills were the main courses offered, according to the trainer. 据负责培训的老师介绍,由于这些女教师大多数从来没接触过电脑,所以培训班将从开关机器教起,主要进行计算机基本操作和网络知识的讲座以适应不同学员的水平。
- In teaching basic English, testing is an important means of assessing efficiency in teaching regardless of what approaches are being used. 在教授基础英语中,无论采用何种教学方法,教学过程中的测试,是考查教学效果的一个手段,也是教学中的重要 环节。
- An educational system which fails to teach basic arithmetic is seriously deficient. 一个没教基础算术知识的教育体制是有严重缺陷的。
- As well as teaching basic elements of language , the Alphabet Train also develops child's power of observation and imagination. 在教给孩子们基本语言知识的同时,字母火车也培养了他们的观察能力和想象能力。
- An educational system which fails to teach basic arithmetic is seriously deficient . 一个没教基础算术知识的教育体制是有严重缺陷的。
- High school biology teachers teach basic anatomy with plastic replicas of the humanbody. 中学生物老师用塑料人体复制品来讲授基础解剖学。
- Yong Joon's fans are going to donate a basic computer library to Meilong Elementary School on behalf of Bae Yong Joon. 裴吧的裴迷们将以裴勇俊家人影迷的名义为梅龙小学捐助一个配有电脑的基础小型图书室。
- The project helped the village set up a dairy information station and trained farmers on basic computer skills. 另外项目还帮助村里建立了信息站,并培训农民学习计算机基础知识。
- With the development of science and technology,the traditional methodology of teaching Basic English course is not applicable to the new computer-assisted teaching environment. 随着现代科学技术的发展,传统的基础英语课程教学方法已不适应新的电化教学环境。
- Basic computer course experienced the process from scattered to systematization and achieved distinct effect in Chengdu University of Technology. 摘要成都理工大学计算机基础课程教学经历了一个从分散到统一的改革过程,并取得了明显的成效,但也存在一些问题。