- The Teaching of Reading Aloud of Middle School English 中学英语朗读教学点滴体会
- The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud. 英语老师强调了朗读的重要性。
- Teaching of reading aloud 朗读教学
- The opposite of reading silently(or to oneself)is reading aloud. 与reading silently(or to oneself)(默读) 相对的是reading aloud(读出声来)
- What are the principles behind the teaching of reading? 阅读教学的原则?
- Intermediate stage: the students study together in group, adopting ways of reading aloud and intercommunicating with each other. 中级阶段:学生分成以小组为单位的合作学习,过渡阶段,以朗读与交流的形式出现。
- The sounds of the wind, of the rain, and of reading aloud all come to my ears; the affairs of the family, of the state and of the world are all my concerns. 风声、雨声、读书声,声声入耳;家事、国事、天下事,事事关心。
- The Tory education spokesman, Nick Gibbs, said: "There is mounting evidence that the use of phonics in the teaching of reading is crucial. 在政府普及拼音英语教法的号召下,英国学校正在被指令改变他们的教授孩子阅读的方式。
- I am fond of reading aloud. 我喜欢大声朗读。
- A great deal of crack views can be fourd out from the teaching of literacy and lettering the teaching of reading ,the teaching of writing. 并在识字与写字教学、阅读教学和写作教学等领域提出了诸多高见,对当今的语文教学实践具有重要的指导意义。
- For many years, the teaching of reading has been focused on the analysis of every word and sentence, which makes students ignore the importance of topic in reading comprehension. 多年来 ,我国大学尤其是理工院校英语阅读教学一直沿用传统的模式 ,整个教学过程墨守陈规地停留在单个的字词、句子的分析上 ,从而导致学生在阅读过程中忽视了文章主题的重要性。
- Please read aloud so that I can hear you. 请大声朗读,好让我能听到。
- Read aloud in imitation of the tape. 仿效磁带大声朗读。
- Read aloud the written record of the inspection. 宣读勘验笔录,
- I never tire of reading Shakespeare. 我对莎士比亚的作品百读不厌。
- A textbook of reading exercises. 阅读练习内容为阅读练习的教科书
- He's up reading aloud in the yard before the sun's up. 太阳还未升起,他就已起床到院子里朗读了。
- We have no choice but to make full use of super reading, improve our present teaching methods, follow the specific rules in the teaching of reading, and believe in its bright future. 我们只有充分利用超阅读,优化当前的阅读教学,遵循阅读教学的特性和规律,相信阅读教学定会有光明的前景。
- Based on the theory of Chinese Culture, the theory of Aesthetic Education and Inside Latent, the theory believes that text contains deep cultural meaning and aesthetic values. Therefore we should regard teaching of reading as an aesthetic world. 审美性阅读教学以汉字文化论、审美教育理论和内隐学习理论为基础,认为课文蕴含着深厚的文化意义和审美价值,所以我们应当以审美的态度对待阅读教学。
- Sometimes she would read aloud to us her favourite passages. 有时候她给我们读一读最喜欢的段落。