- The hose diaphragm piston pumps are hermetically sealed, leakproof, oscillating displacement pumps with a unique technical and economical value. 软管隔膜活塞泵是严密密封、无泄露往复式容积泵,具有独一无二的技术和经济价值。
- Our company has a strong technical and economic backing. 我公司有强大的技术人员和经济后盾。
- So this paper on AFB has good academic and economic value. 因此,对搅拌流化床的研究具有较好的学术和经济价值。
- Its are officinal value and economic value are extremely high. 其药用价值和经济价值都极高。
- Technical and Economic Analysis on Design of Production Pipe Line of C.P.P. 选煤厂生产管道设计的技术经济分析。
- Technical and Economic Value 技术经济价值
- New technology has remarkable technical and economical benefit. 新工艺具有显著的技术经济效益。
- Mr Godard's version of the statement, with the words “technical” and “economic” crossed out, hangs at the entrance. 而在入口处挂着的戈达尔先生自己版本的声明中,“技术”和“经济”两个词则被划掉了。
- Scientific research proof, its venom has extremely high officinal value and economic value. 科研证实,它的毒液具有极高的药用价值和经济价值。
- Abstract A technical and economic comparison between two kinds of pyrite cinder humidifiers is conducted. 对两种硫铁矿渣增湿器进行技术经济比较。
- For a long time, great attentions have been paid to Rana chensinensis for its important medicinal and economic value. 摘要中国林蛙具有重要的药用价值与经济价值,因而一直受到人们的重视。
- Economic development of oilfields is a complex system engineering which involves technical and economic factors. 油田经济开发是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及技术、经济等方面。
- Great attentions have been paid to the Chinese brown frog for its important medicinal and economic value. 摘要中国林蛙具有重要的药用价值与经济价值,因此其受到人们的重视。
- The technical and economic reasonableness of employing the closed-circuit flowsheet wit... 并论证了采用反击破碎机闭路流程的技术、经济合理性。
- The investment cost composition was made clear by studying the technical and economic limit of infilling well. 指出了三次加密潜力对象及其分布特征;
- Based on the main technic and economic indices of XinglongZhuang coalmine collected for several years,this paper evaluates and analyzes these indices with DEA method. 根据兴隆庄煤矿几年来的主要经营指标,用DEA方法对其进行了评价,并对评价结果进行了分析。
- The welfare implications and economic value of the ENSO forecasts are evaluated based on a straightforward application of the Bayesian decision theory. 本研究首先利用最小平方法及历史资料探讨不同圣婴现象对稻米产量的影响,发现反圣婴造成的影响较圣婴年为大。
- Distribution and economic value of fig tree resources in Fujian are described and some suggestions for protection are also put forward. 本文概述福建省榕树资源的分布和经济价值,并提出相应的保护策略。
- Our detailed technical and economic analyses indicate that steam methane reforming (SMR) is the lowest cost source of hydrogen even at relatively high methane values. 通过详尽的技术和经济分析,我们发现即使是在甲烷价格相对较高的情况下,蒸汽甲烷转化(SMR)仍是成本最低的氢气来源。
- The Moringa oleifera tree is an fast-growing arbor with good ecological value and economic value, which grows in tropical or subtropical regions. 摘要辣木是一种生长于热带或亚热带地区的、生态价值和经济价值均较好的多用途速生乔木树种。