- Technical route of innovation 创新技术路线
- The technical route of product form bionics design was put forward. 提出了产品形态仿生设计的技术路线;
- Especially introduce process philosophy, flow sheet, rehabilitation scheme and technical route of Liaohe vis-breaking cracking unit. 重点介绍辽河减粘裂化装置的工艺原理、流程和改造方案及技术路线。
- Methods According to the technical route of tissue engineering ,including seeding cells.scaffold materials,implantation in body,ethical problems and their disposal were dissussed. 方法从组织工程学研究的基本技术路线,包括种子细胞、人工材料、体内植入等方面阐述存在的伦理学问题及其对策。
- The paper first adopts hexane/95% ethonal mixture solvent to extract tea oil residue and saponin for oil-tea cake, and a preliminary technical route of a second solid-state fermentation transforming protein mash for cake is also found. 本研究以普通油茶的枯饼为材料,采用已烷和95%25乙醇为主体构成的混合溶剂一步浸提油茶枯饼残油和残皂素,同时,初步建立了油茶枯饼二次固态发酵转化蛋白饲料的技术路线。
- Through practices in Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province,this paper discusses the concept,basic framework and technical route of strategic planning for regional sustainable development. 结合广东省江门市可持续战略规划的实践,对可持续发展规划的概念、内涵、基本框架以及技术流程进行探讨。
- He made a plot of the route of the hike. 他为远足的路线画了一张图。
- A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon. 技术改进的浪潮即将出现。
- The route of the Long March is lined out in red on the map. 在这张地图上长征路线是用红线标示出来的。
- The technical route of CMF & O3 has been proved to be suitable for the actual conditions of BDA in this paper, which is technically advanced, economical and practical, safe and reliable. 本文最终论证了经开再生水厂采用CMF+臭氧的技术路线适合北京开发区的实际情况,技术先进、经济实用、安全可靠。
- Technic routes of producing higher alcohols is explained in systematic way and OXO process using ethylene as starting material is described with emphasis. 系统介绍了高碳醇的生产技术路线,重点介绍了以乙烯为原料的碳基合成工艺。
- Or, town of innovation, planning and panache? 还是一座具有创新气概、精心规划和流光溢彩的名城?
- The technical progress of producing light olefins by natural gas was reviewed.And catalysts and technical routes of OCM and GSTO and GSMTO were introduced detailedly. 对当前低碳烯烃技术发展进行了简要介绍,并具体介绍了天然气甲烷氧化偶联制乙烯、合成气直接制乙烯和合成气经甲醇制乙烯技术的催化剂及工艺路线研究情况。
- By choosing the technical routes of potassium sulfate process and integrated process of soda ash production,the better economical benefits can be expected. 通过对钾芒硝法工艺及联碱工艺技术路线的选择,技术经济分析,以期提高化肥厂的经济效益。
- Necessity was the mother of innovation. 需要是创新之母。
- Through the study, the technical routes of kaempferitrin isolation and preparation of rhamnose ware set up.It also laid the foundation for following research. 通过以上研究,同时建立了山柰苷提取分离和鼠李糖制备的工艺路线,有效的利用了光叶小腊树资源,也为其后续研究奠定了基础。
- What is the main demand of innovation? 创新的基本要求是什么?
- The key of innovation is the talents. 创新的关键是人才,高校是培养创新人才的摇篮。
- A route or proposed route of a journey. 旅程,路线旅行路线,或旅行预定的路线
- With a strong spirit of innovation and teamwork. 具有较强的创新精神和良好的团队合作精神。