- I intend to ignore his temper tantrums. 我打算不理会他的脾气。
- Acting it out by having temper tantrums is highly antisocial. 靠发泄一通来消气很可能产生不良社会效果。
- Henry Weston: How can a store throw a temper tantrum? 亨利?韦斯顿:商店怎么还会发脾气啊?
- One that sometimes includes refusing to do things and having temper tantrums. 一个表现就是有时候她拒绝去做事,还发脾气。
- And when he wanted anything, he either cried or threw a temper tantrum. 当他想要什么东西的时候,他会哭,扔东西,并且勃然大怒。
- ARIES &ARIES: Temper tantrums are quite likely to erupt into major wars with this combination. 这个组合很容易勃然大怒从而爆发战争。
- Lee knew that temper tantrums are normal for a toddler, but the intensity of Tom's tantrums worried her. 李明白小孩子发脾气是正常现象,但汤姆暴烈的脾气让她担忧。
- "But she still has temper tantrums, like you wouldn't believe, throwing herself on the floor. 她母亲说:“周围的人常常给她一些东西,但是她却大发脾气,可能你都不相信,她会气到一屁股坐在地上。”
- Of course, people who throw temper tantrums or who overreact are frowned upon for their bad behavior. 当然勃然大怒或者反应过度的习惯是不受欢迎的。
- Such deep-seated rage often results in serious depression, explosive temper tantrums, disrespect for persons in authority, and deadly violence. 这种根深蒂固的愤怒情绪,往往会导致严重的情绪低落、大发脾气、不尊敬掌权的人,以及致命的暴力事件。
- Temper tantrums are quite likely to erupt into major wars with this combination. Remember, only one party can win, and neither one will accept defeat. 白羊-白羊:两个一模一样的白羊座在一起,必然是爆炸性的组合,时常有发生”战争“。相处下去很可能会两败俱伤哦。
- In fact, you may drive your darker feelings underground, reemerging later as temper tantrums, depression, or stress-related illness. 事实上,你也许内在有更”阴暗“情绪,之后以发脾气、消沉或压力相关的疾病的方式重新出现。
- Divert temper tantrums by spraying your child\'s bedroom, playroom, into your car before or after that cranky one enters! 转移烦燥的情绪在孩子的睡房,娱乐间,或是汽车时在。
- He hardly left her side. And when he wanted anything, he either cried or threw a temper tantrum. 约翰很少离开奶奶。如果他想要什么,就会大哭或者大发脾气。
- The FDA said Johnson &Johnson's Risperdal could be used to treat irritability, including aggression, deliberate self-injury and temper tantrums. FDA称,强生公司的利培酮能用于治疗易激惹,包括包括攻击行为,蓄意自伤和发脾气。
- Unlike Leo, who can have a temper tantrum and five minutes later be quite himself again, Scorpio seethes, and doesn't give it up. 他们在决定行动时会表现的大胆积极,属于敢爱敢恨的类型。
- ARIES &ARIESbr />Temper tantrums are quite likely to erupt into major wars with this combination. Remember, only one party can win, and neither one will accept defeat. 白羊-白羊:两个一模一样的白羊座在一起,必然是爆炸性的组合,时常有发生”战争“。相处下去很可能会两败俱伤哦。
- The research, conducted by the makers of Bold 2in1 washing powder and liquid, found nearly half of mothers said they had fallen victim to stress-induced temper tantrums. 的母亲说,她们以孩子、家庭、另一半和宠物的需求为先,优于自己的需要。这种压力意谓著,86%25的母亲觉得她们一直在动,62%25说她们觉得停不下来,没办法放松。
- "There is always someone around to offer her something," her mother said."But she still has temper tantrums, like you wouldn't believe, throwing herself on the floor. 她母亲说:“周围的人常常给她一些东西,但是她却大发脾气,可能你都不相信,她会气到一屁股坐在地上。”
- Sometimes they may throw themselves into a temper tantrum for no reason at all, and all the talking and reasoning with them will do not good. 有时他们根本没有任何理由乱发脾气,而且任何交谈和应对都搞不定。