- Tentorial tear as birth trauma 脑幕撕裂由于产伤
- Fracture of skull as birth trauma 颅骨骨折由于产伤
- Rupture of liver as birth trauma 肝破裂由于产伤
- Rupture of spleen as birth trauma 脾破裂由于产伤
- Hematoma of testis as birth trauma 睾丸血肿由于产伤
- Hematoma of vulva as birth trauma 外阴血肿由于产伤
- Erb-Duchenne palsy as birth trauma Erb-Duchenne麻痹由于产伤
- Cranial nerve injury as birth trauma 脑神经损伤(由于产伤)
- Local subdural hematoma as birth trauma 局部硬膜下血肿由于产伤
- Facial nerve injury as birth trauma 面神经损伤由于产伤
- Injury to brachial plexus as birth trauma 臂丛损伤由于产伤
- Fracture of clavicle as birth trauma 锁骨骨折由于产伤
- Subcapsular hematoma of liver as birth trauma 肝包膜下血肿由于产伤
- The tailor fixed the tear as if there was no tear at all. 裁缝把这个洞缝合得很好,就好像从没破过。
- Peripheral nerve injury as birth trauma 周围神经损伤由于产伤
- Phrenic nerve paralysis as birth trauma 膈神经麻痹由于产伤
- Justine Henin wipes away a tear as she announces her retirement from tennis. 海宁宣布退役决定时擦去泪水。
- Death belongs to life as birth does. 死亡隶属于生命,正与生一样。
- The woman cried crocodile tear as she told the court how she was for deserting her children. 当那个妇人在法庭上陈述他抛弃孩子的心情时假装悲伤地哭了。
- She fought back her tears as she said good-bye. 她强忍住泪水道别。