- Tetranychus molestissimus [医] 剧扰四爪螨
- Studies on diapause of Tetranychus urticae Koch. 二斑叶螨滞育特性的初步研究。
- The Tetranychus mites has become the major pest to vegetables. 摘要叶螨类害虫已成为我国蔬菜、果树和花卉的主要害虫。
- He described the evolution of resistance in Tetranychus against tetraethyl pyrophate. 他叙述了恙虫对焦磷酸四乙脂的抗性进化。
- The syuergistic test on feapropathriu-clofentezine mixture to the resistant population of Tetranychus urticat Koch. 复配剂螨嗪菊酯对防治抗性二点叶螨的增效作用。
- Title: Sublethal effect of chlorpyrifos on the dynamics of experimental Tetranychus cinnabarinus population. 关键词:毒死蜱;亚致死效应;朱砂叶螨;刀切法
- However, in response to Tetranychus urticae Koch infested for 24 hour, many novel volatile infrochemicals were induced. 烟草遭受二点叶螨取食24h后诱导出多种新的挥发性信息化合物。
- Analysis of Laboratory Population Life Table of Carmine Spider Mite,(Tetranychus cinnabarinus)Infesting Feng Chi Sang Morus L. 与相似的文献。
- In vitro inhibition and toxicokinetic action of three insecticides on esterases in Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) were assayed. 测定了3种杀虫剂乐斯本、甲氰菊酯、敌敌畏及其两两组合对朱砂叶螨离体酯酶的抑制作用。
- Toxicity of pyridaben and five other miticides to Tetranychus urticae and T. cinnabarinus was determined using both slide-dip and leaf residue methods. 摘要采用玻片浸渍法和叶片残毒法,选用哒螨灵等6种常用杀螨剂对二斑叶螨和朱砂叶螨进行了毒力测定。
- Toxicities of cyhalothrin, dimethoate and avermectin against Tetranychus Urticae were assayed in the laboratary using agar-agar method, slide-slip method and immersion method. 在室内用琼脂法、浸玻片法和浸渍法分别测定了氟氯氰菊酯、乐果和齐墩螨素对棉红蜘蛛的毒力。
- The activities of SOD, ASP and SOD isoenzymes have been studied in cowpea (Vigna sinensis) seedling leaves damaged by carmine spider mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus). 摘要朱砂叶螨危害豇豆幼苗后,叶绿体内与活性氧代谢有关的酶SOD、ASP活性及同工酶均受到不同程度的影响。
- The occurrence characteristics and the harm situation caused by Tetranychus urticae this mite was reported.The control methods against this mite were discussed. 本文介绍了二斑叶螨在我国的危害情况和发生规律,分析了其发生与危害的特点,并提出了有效防治对策。
- The occurrence characteristics and the harm situation caused by Tetranychus urticae this mite was reported. The control methods against this mite were discussed. 本文介绍了二斑叶螨在我国的危害情况和发生规律,分析了其发生与危害的特点,并提出了有效防治对策。
- Field studies were carried out to evaluate the effect of two transgenic cotton varieties (SGK321 carrying Cry1A + CpTI and DP99B carrying Cry1Ac) and the conventional variety (shiyuian321-parental line of SGK321) to cotton spider mites Tetranychus spp. 2002-2004年,在冀南棉区系统调查了Bt棉品种DP99B(转Cry1Ac基因)和对棉叶螨发生的影响。 2002年,试验的Bt棉品种为SGK321(转Cry1Ac+CpTl基因);
- This paper dealt with the acarcidal bioactivities of sequenced and parallel extractsby hexane,benzene,absolute ether,methyl alcohol and water from Chinese herbal medicineturmeric,Curcuma longa against Tetranychus cinnabarinus. 系统研究了姜黄 Curcuma longa 的正己烷、苯、无水乙醚、甲醇和水等溶剂的顺序和平行提取物对朱砂叶螨的生物活性。
- The toxicity of acetone extract from Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb and its effects on several esterases of Tetranychus piercei McGregor were studied by leaf immersion and ultraviolet spectrophotometry. 采用叶片浸渍法和分光光度法研究了大叶丁香(Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb)丙酮提取物对皮氏叶螨(Tetranychus piercei McGrvgor)的毒力及其代谢酶活性的影响。
- The toxicity to adult females and eggs of Tetranychus viennensis were tested with several acaricides have been used in recent years by both slide dip method and leaf disk dip method. 采用玻片浸渍法和浸叶碟法,选用近年来在生产上推广应用的9种杀螨剂,对山楂叶螨的雌成螨和卵进行了毒力测定。
- Competition between Cicadella viridis (L.) and Empoasca biguttula Shiraki was the strongest;competition between Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) and Empoasca biguttula Shiraki was weak. 大青叶蝉与棉叶蝉的竞争作用强,朱砂叶螨与棉叶蝉的竞争作用弱;
- This paper summarizes mechanism of host-plant's selection by insects and Tetranychus mites physiological resistance with a view to know the relations of Tetranychus mites and host plant. 本文概述了叶螨对寄主植物的选择,叶螨危害寄主植物的机制研究和寄主植物对叶螨的生理抗性等方面的研究进展,进一步了解叶螨和植物的相互关系。