- Gets the text associated with the image in the image cell. 获取与图像单元格中的图像相关联的文本。
- Research on the key techniques of text mining is done in the paper, including text feature extract and feature select, text association analysis, text association classification. 本文以文本数据为研究对象,对文本挖掘的若干关键技术进行研究,主要包括文本特征提取和特征选择、文本关联分析、文本关联分类,并提出更有效的文本挖掘算法。
- This data type transmits codes and the text associated with the code. 这种资料型态传送代码和与代码相关的文字。
- Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association, CBETA 及中华电子佛典协会
- Right Text associated with a check box or radio button control appears to the right of the control. 与复选框或单选按钮控件关联的文本显示在该控件的右侧。
- The text associated with the specified line number in the server's message window, without a date and time prefix. 与服务器消息窗口中所指定的行号相关的文本,前面不带日期和时间。
- Sets the ToolTip text associated with the specified control, and displays the ToolTip modally. 设置与指定控件关联的工具提示文本,然后以模式方式显示工具提示。
- Left Text associated with a check box or radio button control appears to the left of the control. 与复选框或单选按钮控件关联的文本显示在该控件的左侧。
- The pszInfo is usually an empty string, but can contain any user defined text associated with the GCP. pszInfo通常是一个空字符,但是可以包含用户定义与控制点相关的任何的文本。
- Specifies whether the text associated with a check box or radio button control appears to the left or to the right of the control. 指定与复选框或单选按钮控件关联的文本是显示在该控件的左侧还是右侧。
- Sets the ToolTip text associated with the specified control, and then displays the ToolTip modally at the specified relative position. 设置与指定控件关联的工具提示文本,然后在指定的相对位置以模式方式显示该工具提示。
- CF Coded Element with Formatted Values data type. This data type transmits codes and the formatted text associated with the code. 代码元素合并格式化资料之资料型态。这种资料型态传送代码和与代码相关的格式化文字。
- This text associates with our collage's teaching practice practice and discussion for our college's computer basic courses' reform. 本文结合本校教学实际,对我校计算机基础课程改革问题进行了实践和探讨。
- Do you mind reading hack the text of my message? 你把我的电文重念一遍,好吗?
- Read the text first and then explain the new words. 先读课文,然后解释生词。
- The book contains scandalous text. 该书含有诽谤性的内容。
- You will find the text somewhere in the Bible. 你会在圣经里找到这段文章。
- I benefited a lot from my association with him. 我与他交往获益良多。
- The boy read out his text clearly. 这男孩清晰地朗读课文。
- The association is under the auspices of Word Bank. 这个组织是在世界银行的赞助下办的。