- Adapted from "Black Jack" written by the Father of Anime, Tezuka Osamu! 本片改编自动画片之父手冢治虫的著作!
- Tezuka Osamu 手冢治虫(1928-89),日本人,动画片作家、漫画家。
- Any pieces of work and any published items by Dr. Tezuka, you can find their information here. This page is really the Encyclopedia of Osamu Tezuka. 所有手冢老师的作品,出版过的刊物,你都可以在这里找到它们的资料,这网页真的名副其实是手冢治虫百科全书。
- Smedley and Snow first reached China in 1928. 史沫特莱和斯诺初次来到中国是在一九二八年。
- In England, women suffrage was established in 1928. 在英国,女性投票权是在1928年确立的。
- The will be drawn when he was 89 years old. 这将在他89岁的时候签署。
- In 1928 Coke began a connection with the Olympics. 1928年,可乐开始与奥林匹克运动会建立联系。
- We rl move on July 25,89 to No.187,Nanking Road. 我方将于89年7月25日迁移至南京路187号。
- We rl move on July 25, 89 to No.187, Nanking Road. 我方将于89年7月25日迁移至南京路187号。
- Brooks is 89 years old and still going strong. 布鲁克斯已经89岁了, 仍然很健康。
- A new outbreak of smallpox occurred in 1928. 1928 年爆发了新一轮的天花。
- Fleming discovered penicillin by accident in 1928. 弗莱明在1928年偶然发现了青霉素。
- The oldest performer is 89 year-old Busker Bill . 年龄最大的艺人是89岁的“街头艺人比尔”。
- He had just been reelected with 89% of the vote. 他刚以89%25的得票率再次当选市长。
- Turn south on UT 89 and travel past Panguitch. 反过来南部UT斯达康89和旅行过去潘圭奇。
- The median ECMO supporting time was 89 hours. 体外维生系统使用期间的中位数为89小时。
- The character made his debut in the film Steamboat Willie in 1928. 米老鼠1928年在电影《威利蒸汽船》初次亮相。
- Dr. Fleming' s discovery of penicillin occurred in 1928. 弗莱明医生发现青霉素是在1928年。
- He passed away in Beijing on June 11,at the advanced age of 89. 他于6月11日以89岁的高龄在北京逝世。
- One such powerful killer was discovered in the autumn of 1928. 1928年秋,人们发现了一种强效药物。