- The Cynic's Word Bookn. 愤世嫉俗者用语手册;《魔鬼辞典》的曾用名;出自19世纪美国文坛怪杰波罗斯·比尔斯之手
- Don't take an ISP's word on its performance. 不要轻信isp有关性能的话。
- The promise of GOD's word, not our feeling, is our authority. 我们信仰的根据,是圣经可靠的应许,不是我们容易改变的感觉。
- We are caught between the ignorant and the cynical. 我们夹在无知的和冷眼旁观的这两种人中间。
- The cynicism, it must be said, is not misplaced. 必须承认,冷嘲热讽也是有道理的。
- How have I experienced the sanctifying work of God’s word in my life? 在我的生活中我是如何体验神的道使我成圣呢?
- Of or relating to the Cynics or their beliefs. 犬儒学派犬儒学派或其信仰的,有关犬儒学派或其信仰的
- Mary' s words have the stamp of truth. 玛丽的话具有真实性。
- One 's words reflect one 's think. 言为心声。
- The philosopher replied rather contemptuously, I am Diogenes, the Cynic. 哲学家相当傲慢地回答说:“我是提奥奇尼斯--犬儒学者。”
- T:let us play a game :pass book.wahen i say stop ,the one whose hand with book must say the word book ahd spell. 新授本课内容后,我开展了“击鼓传花”游戏环节,一下子课堂气氛活跃了起来,不听讲的孩子也加入了传课本记单词的队伍中。
- The cynic puts all human actions into two classes: openly bad and secretly bad. 愤世嫉俗者把所有人类的行为分为两等:公开的坏和秘密的坏。
- Bass’s words had a soothing effect. 贝斯的话有安慰的作用。
- Even the cynic,the girl stood up, abandoned the cow, and walked away. 就连这个愤世嫉俗的女孩也站起身来,抛下奶牛走了。
- In a word she is the “specimen”(p 270), in Ralph’s words. 总之,她是“标本” (第270 ) ,在拉尔夫的话。
- Then he streched into his pocket and grope out a common words book. 然后他把手伸进了衣袋,掏出了一本常用语手册。
- Those inclined might attribute it to God, the cynic would say it was madness. 他们倾向于把这种感知归荣于上帝。犬儒们肯定会嘲笑他们都疯了。
- Each letter has two sizes.Generally speaking, every letter makes a sound. e.g. the letter B makes a [b] sound in the word book. 在起始年级,既强调听与说,又兼顾读和写,从而达到各项语言技能之间的平衡。
- Larry Crabb, The Safest Place on Earth, Word Books, 1999. ( 罗 乃 萱 推 荐 , 不 过 本 书 可 能 要 透 过 网 上 订 购 。
- Nothing is known of the authorship of the book. 无人知道该书是何人所写。