- The royalty in Shan Dong 山东忠义
- Bai Yan (Female) was born in Shan Dong in 1959. 女,1959年生于山东聊城市。
- Further more, Professor Wang Wenqia in Shan Dong University has advanced the Alternating Segment Crank-Nicolson method (ASC-N) for one-dimensional convection-diffusion equation . 山东大学的王文洽老师在对一维的对流扩散方程也做了一些工作,构造了求解一维对流-扩散方程的ASC-N(Alternating Segment Crank-Nicolson method)方法。
- It found that there were 60 verieties in Shan dong province,and they belonged respectively to the crops,forest,herbage and gre en manure wild herb,ornamental plants. 经分析发现,山东省境内的主要蜜源植物有60多种,它们分别属于作物、林木、牧草与绿肥、果树、野生草本、观赏植物。
- Con clu sion:The study suggests that the SE gene is the risk fac tor of RA in the population of Han na-tion ality in Shan dong area and the suscep ti bility to RA is related with HLA-DR4rather than HLA-DR1and HLA-DR10. 结论:山东地区RA易感性与共同表位(SE)有关,其中主要和HLA-DR4关联密切。 HLA-DR1,DR10不是RA易感基因。
- The royalty rate shall be calculated in proportion to the net sale of the product turn out with the transferred technology. 提成率应按照采用转让技术生产出来的产品纯销售额的一定比例来计算。
- Shan dong is bounded on the south by Jiangsu. 山东的南面与江苏相邻。
- Newcomers gain sense of belongingness in Shan. 新移民在上海有归属感。
- F could consequently only keep 7% of the royalty. 公司只获得7%25的特许权使用费。
- Office cornet, mobile will be the royalty. 办短号,移动会给提成的。
- This game was patronized especially by the royalty and nobility. 这种游戏尤其是受到皇室与贵族的支持。
- Finally, the thesis gives advices to execute the incentive mechanism of Shan dong tian yuan construction group. 尔后,对山东天元建设集团经营者精神激励制度进行了完善。 最后对实施山东天元建设集团经营者激励制度提出了建议。
- We propose that you begin the royalty from the third production year. 我方提议贵方从第三个生产年度开始收取专利税。
- Its owner has been an 19-year-old boy, who childish gentle and polite spirited Shan Dong juvenile. 这个养獒人竟是一个19岁的少年,一脸稚气斯文有礼朝气蓬勃的山东少年。
- Shan Dong province hospital devises Hando-Video-Assisted thoracic esophagectomy in 2002. 2002年山东省立医院发明了手辅助电视胸腔镜食管癌切除术。
- Facing the unprecedented ocean crisis, Tuo Hunbu actively disposed the costal defense of Shan Dong. 在这次空前严重的海疆危机中,山东巡抚托浑布积极布防,使战前已经废弛的山东海防得到了改观。
- We propose that you begin the royalty from the second production year. 我方提议贵方从第二个生产年度开始收取专利税。
- The royalty rate shall not be higher than the standard international rate. 不应高于国际标准率。
- The royalty rate may be fixed or subject to annual increase or decrease. 提成支付的比例可以采取固定比例、逐年递增比例或者逐年递减比例。
- The royalty rate shall be 15% of the net sales value of the products. 专利权使用费是产品净销售价值的15%25。