- The Brothers Karamazov, e-text of Garnett's translation (1.9 MB). 的免费电子版本-古登堡计划.
- It justifies the infamous dictum of Smerdyakov in The Brothers Karamazov: "All things are permissible," if only one can get away with them. 它为小说《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中的斯梅迪可夫的无耻格言提供了辩辞:如果能得以逃脱责任,“万事皆无禁忌”。
- After writing Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky wrote The Idiot ( 18 68 ), and perhaps his greatest masterwork, The Brothers Karamazov ( 18 80 ). 经过书面罪与罚,陀斯妥耶夫斯基写的白痴 ( 18 68 ) ,也许他最大的杰作,这对兄弟卡拉马佐夫 ( 18 80 ) 。
- Dostoevsky engendered fully dramatic novels of ideas where conflicting views and characters are left to develop unevenly into unbearable crescendo (The Brothers Karamazov). 陀思妥耶夫斯基开创了全新的戏剧小说,让矛盾的观点和性格不均衡地发展并进入高潮(卡拉马佐夫兄弟)。
- Arthur is the most articulate of the brothers. 亚瑟是兄弟中最会说话的。
- The brothers work in double harness. 哥儿俩一起工作。
- The brother have forme a new company. 兄弟几个组建了一个新公司。
- In dostoyevsky's famous novel, The Brothers Karamazov, one of the characters proclaims that if God does not exist, anything is permitted 陀思妥耶夫斯基的著名小说《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中的一个人物声称,如果没有上帝,万事皆无禁忌。
- A likeness runs through all the brothers. 这些兄弟们长得很相像。
- It justifies the infamous dictum of Smerdyakov in The Brothers Karamazov: "All things are permissible," if only one can get away with them 它为小说《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中的斯梅迪可夫的无耻格言提供了辩辞:如果能得以逃脱责任,“万事皆无禁忌”。
- There is only a spat between the brother and sister. 那只是兄妹间的小吵小闹。
- All the brothers feature their father. 所有兄弟的相貌都与他们的父亲相似。
- The brothers were tearing about in the house. 那兄弟在屋子到处横冲直撞着。
- The brothers glared hatred at each other. 兄弟俩用仇恨的目光对视。
- The brothers differ widely in their tastes. 他们弟兄的爱好大相径庭.
- The Brethren hold a prayer meeting every Thursday. 教友每周四举行一次祷告会。
- The Brothers Karamazov 卡拉玛佐夫的兄弟们
- In the brothers Mr. Kong was the first but one. 孔先生在弟兄中排行老二。
- The brothers got their big idea from a friend. 两兄弟从一位朋友那儿得到这个了不起的点子。
- The brothers have set up their own homes. 兄弟分居,自立门户。