- Chen Wei poises himself at the top of the platform. 陈伟在跳台顶端保持住平衡。
- What's the weather like in Weihai, Chen Wei? 陈伟,威海的天气怎麼样?
- I wanted to ask Chen Wei too, but he's away. 我原想请陈伟的,但他已走了。
- Chen Wei is preparing for his seventh dive. 陈伟正在准备他的第七个动作。
- Chen Wei returns a few moments later. 片刻之后,陈伟回来了。
- Chen Wei has the gold medal in the bag. 陈伟取得了金牌。
- The Chen Wei 谶纬
- Chen Wei and Susan are walking down the street when they see an accident. 陈威和苏珊在街上走着,这时他们看到了一次交通事故。
- Chen Wei thinks perhaps Peter has got the wallet in his bag. But Peter doesn't think so. 陈伟认为彼得可能将皮夹放在自己的包里了。但认为不可能。
- Chen Wei's favorite saying is, “Memory is knowledge;from your memories you find gnosis. 陈维的名言是“回忆等于知识:从你的回忆中可以找到真知。”
- Chen Wei's paintings portrayed the leisure way of life historically and contemporarily. 陈蔚的绘画对闲暇“生活方式”的铺叙与展现既是历史的,也是当下的。
- "We conducted the survey to introduce the achievements of top Chinese companies to the world," said Chen Wei, general manager of Hay Group. 合益集团中国区总经理陈玮说:“我们开展这项调查的目的是让全世界了解中国的知名企业。
- However, Chen Wei Luo voice of the area in four in a moment, the network happy, SNS for the third wave of surprise and brought a ray of variables. 然而,就在陈一舟话音未落众议四起的刹那,开心网的出现,为SNS第三波带来一丝惊奇与变数。
- They are having the Chens in for dinner tonight. 他们今晚要请陈家一家人来吃饭。
- The Chen farad, Lin Feng, Huang Zong Ze also has the crying play in inside. 陈法拉、林峰、黄宗泽在里面也有哭戏。
- In his work, Chen Wei set up a depressed, lost or meditating character that couldn’t find his own way in those similar scenes. 陈维 作品 中的人物,或抑郁、或沉思、或不知所措,在被置换的场景中,他们找不到自身的坐标和出口。
- CHEN Wei,FAN Jin-chu.The result and effecting factors of sonochemical degradation on organic compounds [J].Water Supply and Drain, 2000, 26(5):19-22. [6]陈伟;范瑾初.;超声降解水体中有机物的效果及影响因素[J]
- Clinical features and surgical treatment of calyceal diverticula (report of 32 cases) Chen Lingwu,Chen Wei,Mei Hua,et al. 中华泌尿外科杂志1998年第11期第19卷论著作者:陈凌武陈炜梅骅郑克立曾金云戴宇平单位:510080广州,中山医科大学附属第一医院泌尿外科...
- When is one's turn the Chen Kun speech, always acts with constraint his actually initiative to make public has the plot to come, and “flirts with one another” with old Schoolmate Zhao Wei gets up. 轮到陈坤发言时,一向矜持的他却主动曝光起剧情来,并和老同学赵薇“打情骂俏”起来。
- In this sense, Chen Wei's painting is not only an resistance for noise times Of individual soul,but also the poetic appearance again for she pursuit the leisure way of life. 在这个意义上来说,陈蔚的绘画既是一种个体心灵对时代喧嚣的反抗,也是她自觉追求闲暇生活方式的诗意再现。