- Under Algerian law, suspects may be held without charge for up to 12 days, as set out in Article 51 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. 依据阿尔及利亚刑事诉讼法第51条指出:在没有提起诉讼的情况下,嫌犯最长只能拘禁十二天。
- In Algeria, suspects may be held without charge for a maximum of 12 days, under Article 51 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. 根据刑事诉讼法51条的规定下,于阿尔及利亚,嫌疑犯在没有指控的情况下,最长监禁时间为12天。
- The first Code of Criminal Procedure was enacted in 1861. 第一部刑事诉讼法典是在1861年颁布的。
- A Research of Witness Protection in the Code of Criminal Procedure 刑事诉讼证人保护制度研究
- On Judicial Powers of Interpretation over the Code of Criminal Procedure in China 论我国刑事诉讼法司法解释权
- The Code of Criminal Procedure 刑事诉讼法
- Now a code of criminal law and a code of criminal procedure have been adopted and promulgated and are being implemented. 现在,刑法和刑事诉讼法都通过和公布了,开始实行了。
- The trial reform is being made distinctively in area of Criminal Law and Code of Criminal Procedure, a process that becomes a hot topic and focus in China's constitutionality. 以刑诉法、刑法修改及适用为显著表征的审判方式改革,成为中国法治化进程中的热点和焦点问题。
- I can break the code of this box. 我能破译这个箱子的密码。
- Students must observe the code of the school. 学生必须遵守校规。
- However, the applicability and scope of electronic evidence in the Code of Criminal Evidence has been an uncharted territory for many. 然而因为对于资讯领域的不熟悉,刑事证据法则对于电子证据之适用及范围一直甚感陌生。
- The code of criminal court promulgation carry out hereafter,the not guilty predicts outcome the principle to be a basic principle to settle down indeed. 刑事诉讼法颁布实施以后,无罪推定原则作为一项基本原则确定下来。
- The draft code of criminal procedure of China 中国刑事诉讼法草案
- Model code of criminal procedure 模范刑事诉讼法典
- You must live up to the code of the school. 你必须遵守学校的规则。
- Question: How to use the code of VIP? 问题:如何使用熟客编号?
- Could you tell me the code of that country? 你能告诉我那个国家的代码吗?
- Load the code of the function in executable memory. 在可执行的内存中,载入有关这个函数的相关代码。
- On Unnecessary to Regulate Basic Principles in Code of Criminal Procedure 论刑事诉讼法典中不必规定基本原则
- This was the Code of Chivalry, which he obeyed. 这就是骑士所遵守的行为准则。