- Fig. 62.Purple and ochre are complements on the color wheel. 紫色和赭色是补色。
- When you drag within the color wheel of the Color Chooser window, the selected region updates occur immediately. 当你拖动颜色选择器窗里面的颜色盘时,被选区域立刻发生更新。
- The color wheel contains 12 hues, and illustrates the relationship between colors. 颜色盘包含12种颜色,并用图示方式表示不同颜色间的关系。
- Colors that are widely separated on the color wheel (but not complementary or triadic) are considered to be discordant. 有时候不协调,不漂亮也可以,只要能充分的满足前两个要求也很好了。
- The analogous color scheme uses colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. 类似的色彩设计使用的是色轮上相近的颜色。
- A similar color is one next to another color on the color wheel (for example, violet and orange are similar colors to red). 相似色是指颜色盘中与另一种颜色相邻的颜色(例如,紫色和橙色是红色的相似色)。
- Residing directly opposite of each other on the color wheel, this stark difference in tone and hue can be eye catching, but if used wrong, can give an eyesore effect to your design. 在颜色轮盘中直接相对的两个就是补色,在色调上,它们完全不同,对于人的双眼来说,它们是很有感染力的,但如果使用错误,则会十分刺眼。
- The color of her dress suits her very well. 她衣服的颜色很适合她。
- Children like seeing the color television. 孩子们喜欢看彩色电视。
- The color scheme of the room is blue and gold. 这个房间的色彩配置是蓝色和金黄色。
- The color fades when exposed to light. 这颜色曝光後会褪色。
- What association do you have with the color green? 绿色会使你产生什么联想?
- The process of cleaning the oil painting brightens the color up. 这幅油画在清洗过程中,色彩变得越来越鲜亮。
- It's difficult to match the color of old paint. 很难找到和旧画颜色相配的色彩
- The color of the curtains approximates that of the rug. 窗帘的颜色和地毯相近。
- She looked at him with the color gone from her face. 她凝视着他,脸上毫无血色。
- The color of the curtains clashed with the color of the carpet. 窗帘的颜色和地毯的颜色不协调。
- On the color wheel, the 12 hues are separated into three distinct groups 在颜色盘上,12种颜色被分为三个组
- The colorful whirl of the dancer is beautiful to watch. 舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋转令人赏心悦目。
- The painter lightened the color with white. 油漆工用白色调淡颜色。