- The Day Diary Of Valentine 情人节日记
- She entered all the events of the day in her diary. 她把一发生的事都记到她的日记上了。
- Cupid is the most famous symbol of Valentine's Day. 邱比特是情人节最著名的象征。
- She entered the events of the day into her diary. 她把当天发生的事记在日记里。
- I was beside myself with joy the day when I found my book The Diary of a Woman Soldier published at long last. 那是我最快乐的一天,《从军日记》出版了!
- On the day of Valentine, he hold a ring with diamond and a bundle of rose asking his girl freind to marry him, and she did. 情人节那天,他手捧一个钻戒和一束玫瑰花鼓起勇气向他的女朋友求婚,她接受了。
- The children on the study tour have to keep a diary of the place they visit. 参加修学旅游的孩子们必须将所到之处写入日记。
- That is a great international question of the day. 那是当代的一个重大国际问题。
- May you live all the day of your life. 但愿你活过你一生所有的日子。
- The hen sits for most of the day. 这只母鸡整天大部分时间都在抱窝。
- The Western scientists of the day didn't know it. 当时的西方科学家还不知道这一点。
- Cupid is the symbol of Valentine's Day. 邱比特是情人节的象徵。
- You'll find me here at any hour of the day. 你可以看到我整天任何时候都在这。
- I bought the new stamp the day of its issue. 这种新邮票是我在发行当天买到的。
- We spent the remainder of the day sightseeing. 这天剩下的时间我们到各处观光。
- A whisky and soda at the end of the day will sometimes work wonders. 晚上喝杯威士忌搀苏打水有时会产生意想不到的效果。
- He'll rue the day he married her. 他将会因为和她结婚而抱恨终身。
- Here ends the diary of Dr. Watson. 华生医生的日记写到这里就结束了。
- Her favorite book is the Diary of Anne Frank. 她最喜欢的书是《安妮·弗兰克的日记》。
- At night these busy streets during the day become empty of traffic. 入夜这些白天繁忙的街道空无行人车辆。