- The De Beers Millennium Star 戴比尔斯千禧之星
- You can have the de luxe model if you like, but it'll cost you. 你愿意的话,可以买高级的,不过得花很多钱。
- De Beers mothballs mines as diamond sales slide . 全球钻石巨擘戴比尔斯'封矿'.
- The De Courcy's were hereditarily shortsighted. 德库西家的人祖传下来全是近视眼。
- De Beers Botswana Mining Company: Gaborone; Chair.-Gilvie Thompson. 博茨瓦纳德比尔斯矿业公司:哈博罗内;董事长-汤普森。
- The de novo synthesis of PC increases in PE-SWD. 以同位素示踪法测得海水淹溺后肺组织初始原料合成(de novo)的TPL和DSPC增加。
- He is the de jure owner of the property. 他是财产的注定所有权人。
- The de luxe model costs a lot more. 豪华型的价钱要贵得多。
- She looks like the de luxe edition of a wicked French novel meant especially for the English market. 她看上去仿如那种专以英国市场为对象的法国淫邪小说的精装版。
- De Beers Diamonds-International Awards 2000 Cheers The Millennium 2000戴比尔斯国际钻饰设计比赛
- Fiat of Italy and the world's largest diamond company De Beers also announced job cuts. 意大利菲亚特汽车公司和世界最大的钻石公司德比尔斯等也宣布裁员。
- ACBAR's Anja de beer says her organization believes the Afghan conflict cannot be solved on the battlefield. 比尔说,她的组织认为,阿富汗冲突不可能在战场上解决。
- De Beer said the technology marks a dramatic improvement in reliability, ease of use and overall realism over video conferencing products and solves a lingering business dilemma. De Beer说,该产品大大改善了可靠性,使用方便,比任何视频会议产品更有真实感,解决了传输延迟等难题。
- As the De Bauw report notes, this is a dubious argument. 正如得堡的报告中所说,这是一个有争议的争论。
- Starting with the Railway Systems, Steamer Lines, Standard Oil, Ocean Cables, Diluted Telegraph, and all the rest, and winding up with Klondike, De Beers, Tammany Graft, and Shady Privileges in the Post-office Department. 从铁路系统公司、汽船公司、标准石油公司、越洋电缆公司、稀声电报公司,如此等等的其他公司,直到克朗代克金矿、德比尔斯钻石矿、塔马尼贪财公司和邮政部的暧昧特权公司。
- You can have the de luxe model if you like,but it'll cost you. 你愿意的话,可以买高级的,不过得花很多钱。
- She is crazed about the film star. 她对那位影星着迷。
- BGP is the de facto inter-domain routing protocol of the Internet. BGP是目前Internet上采用的AS间的动态路由协议。
- All but the morning star have disappeared. 除掉金星以外其他的星星全都消失了。