- The emperor and the Empress waved goodbye to me. 皇帝和皇后挥手向我道别。
- The Emperor and the Plebs 君主与平民
- The top tier is reserved for the emperor and the empress. 最上层的位子是留给国王和王后的,
- This was the ruling type between the emperor and the dukes. 西周存在方伯这种介于天子与诸侯之间的地方势力类型。
- The emperor and his men were very kind to me. 皇帝和他的属下对我很好。
- The Emperor and the Assassin@ is her third collaboration with Chen Kaige. 《荆柯刺秦王》是她第三次与陈凯歌合作。
- And the emperor pardons him - the worthless man. 原谅了这个无用的人。
- And here is the palace of Earthly Tranquillity where the emperor and the empress had to spend their wedding night. 导游:这里是坤宁宫,皇帝和皇后必须在这儿过洞房花烛夜。
- The entire architectural layout was designed to Bring out the supreme authority of the emperor and the hierarchy of the feudal society. 整个建筑布局设计显示出封建社会的皇帝至高无上和等级森严的气氛。
- Under the direct leadership of the emperor and the ruling officials, the Yungang Grottos were constructed on a large scale and extend for about one kilometer from east to west. 云冈石窟是由皇帝和上层统治阶级直接负责开凿的,其规模宏大 ,东西绵延一公里。
- Benevolence is the core in Confucianism and the Confucian benevolence_achieving philosophy involves morality, filial piety, loyalty to the emperor and concern. 摘要“仁”是孔子学说的核心概念,孔子的成仁思想主要体现在修身、事亲、忠君、爱人四个方面。
- The emperor looked ugly and the empress pale and pretty. 皇帝看起来很丑陋而皇后则苍白美丽。
- Other programmes included The Emperor and the Nightingale by the Hong Kong Ballet,Sumo Do,Sumo Don't by Spring-time Productions,the Ming Ri Theatre Company and the New Territories District Children Choirs Association of Hong Kong. 其他节目计有:香港芭蕾舞团的“国王与夜莺”、春天制作的“五个相扑的少年”、明日剧团及新界地区儿童合唱团协会的演出。
- At that time, what is called Ying'Tai today was known as Nan'Tai or the South Platform. Further south were paddy fields with hamlets. Thus the emperor and the empress and their retinue would often come to Nan'Tai to enjoy the scene of pastoral life. 现在的瀛台,当时称为“南台”,南边是一片村舍稻田,皇帝偕后妃常到南台观赏田园风光。
- While waiting for the appearance of the Emperor and Empress an interesting conversation took place between Baron Lieven and the Prussian Ambassador concerning the disquieting news from Poland. 守候外观天皇和皇后之间发生了一个有趣的谈话和莱男爵普鲁士从波兰大使关于令人不安的消息。
- I tell you for the tenth time that if the letter to the Emperor and the will in Pierre's favour are among the count's papers, you, my dear girl, and your sisters are not heiresses. 我第十次告诉你,倘使伯爵的文件中附有呈送国王的奏疏和对皮埃尔有利的遗嘱,那末,我亲爱的,你和你的几个妹妹都不是遗产继承人了。
- In the ancient Chinese history, the emperors and the celebrities were fatefully linked to the wines, and it was delightfully quoted and widely spread. 中国历史上著名的帝王将相,文人墨客都与酒有浓厚的不解之缘,一直为世人所津津乐道。
- The coins bore a bust of their emperor and the date of minting. 硬币上常刻有其国王半身像和铸币日期。
- Game Theory between the Emperor and the Ofricers 君臣博弈
- The emperor looks ugly and the empress pale and pretty. 皇帝看起来很丑陋而皇后则苍白美丽。