- The Forest and the Steppe 树林和草原
- The forest is thick and the mossy path is slippery. 林深苔滑。
- The poet wind is out over the sea and the forest to seek his own voice. 诗人--飙风,正出经海洋森林,追求它自己的歌声。
- The forest is thick and the moss is slippery. 林深苔滑。
- The black night threw its shadowy and fantastic forms around the lake, the forest and the hills. 幽暗的黑夜在湖岸,森林和山峦的周围投下了奇形怪状的影子。
- The wind blow out over the moutain, the forest and the sea. The world has opened its light in the dream. 风拂过山川,森林和海洋,世界在梦中敞开了它的光明。
- It's a darker, grittier world and the Narnians have escaped into the forest and are living in hiding. 这是个暗无天日、飞沙走石的世界,纳尼亚人民逃往森林,躲藏着生活。
- The sky is blue, blue; and the steppe wide, wide. 天苍苍,野茫茫。
- Such is oftenest the young man's introduction to the forest, and the most original part of himself. 青年往往通过打猎接近森林,并发展他身体里面最有天性的一部分。
- The pattern of forest and tree categories have been rearranged and the forest qualify has been enhanced. 调整了林种树种结构,提高了林分质量。
- The forest grew thicker and the branches of the trees caught and tore at their clothes. 森林越来越茂密了,树枝钩住并撕扯着他们的衣服。
- In has not received in the forest which the destruction the natural forest and the process cuts, the panda likes former. 在未受到破坏的天然林和经过采伐的森林中,大熊猫喜欢前者。
- So back they went, weary and ashamed after their day of tramping through the forest and the sleepless night of terror that had followed. 所以他们整日沉重地走过森林和紧接着一夜的恐怖没睡之后,他们疲惫羞愧地走回去。
- They found a strong correlation between the time an air mass had spent over the forest and the load of particles it carried, showing that the trees must be the source. 他们发现气团在森林上空滞留的时间和其携带的微粒有极大的关连,显示树木是微粒的来源。
- With the help of animals, Maya finds out Chief Dorian was sabotaging the prince to shut down the forest and make millions, he is arrested and the forest is saved. 的帮助下,动物,玛雅发现行政多利安是破坏王子关闭森林,使数以百万计,他被逮捕和森林被保存。
- So she ran into the forest and began to pick flowers. 于是她朝森林深处跑去,开始采花。
- Cut down the forest (lust), not just a tree; from the forest springs fear. Having cut down the forest and the underbrush (desire), be passionless, O monks! 诸比丘,且砍掉(欲)林而非真树;怖畏自欲林而生。砍掉欲林与欲丛,以达到无(欲)林。
- We cut a path through the forest and gained the fiver next day. 我们穿过森林中的小路,翌日到达河边。
- Antelopes prance competing for a mate, rhinos crash through the undergrowth, lanky-limbed langurs swing through the forest and the biggest cobra in the world silently stalks its next victim. 另外,在节目中你会看到世界最大的眼镜蛇施展捕猎技俩,悄悄地向牺牲品下毒手。
- The dove could just make out the forest and castle it knew so well. 鸽子辨认出那片树林和它非常熟悉的那个城堡。