- The Gift of Good Advice 第二件礼物:忠告
- The living is in the gift of the squire. 地主有安排牧师奉禄之权。
- Colin should make a good salesman; he's got the gift of the gab and persistence. 科林应该能成为一名出色的推销员,他伶牙俐齿而且很有毅力。
- In the meantime, he gave me a lot of good advice. 同时他给我提了很多好的建议。
- He has the gift of making friends. 他有交朋友的才能。
- He certainly possesses the gift of the evil eye. 的确,他天生目光阴森险毒。
- Edison has had the gift of picking the right men to handle his affairs. 爱迪生具有善于挑选适当的人处理他的事务的才能。
- They're full of good advice about reading. 那里边尽是关于阅读的金玉良言。
- Let me give you a piece of good advice. 我要给你一个忠告。
- He has the gift of making friends easily. 他天生善交朋友。
- She gave me a bit of good advice. 她给了我一些好的建议。
- Where would we be without the gift of breeze? 我们在哪没有微风的礼物?
- What a piece of good advice this is! 多好的忠告啊!
- Firstly: that we respect the gift of life. 第一,我们应尊重生命的恩赐。
- Every color here is the gift of Mother Nature. 每一分色彩都是大自然的恩赐。
- He had the gift of simple and moving expression. 他有一种表情纯朴而动人的秉赋。
- The Gift of Good Governance from Christmas Island 来自圣诞岛良好治理的礼物
- The little child has the gift of drawing. 这个小孩子有绘画方面的天赋。
- This child has the gift of painting. 这个小孩子有绘画方面的天赋。
- This healing of wholeness is the gift of ascension. 这个整体性的疗愈是提升的礼物。