- The armament of any of the great power can destroy civilization. 任何大国的军事力量都能摧毁文明世界。
- I will also die beyond the great power. 我也将在他那强大的存在的力量中.
- Undoubtedly Hitler will fight the great powers. 无疑地要接着希特勒同各大国打。
- The greatest power in the middle ages was vested in the church. 在中世纪最大的权利赋予教会。
- In the past, the great powers would wage war against helpless little countries so as to gain their land. 以前,势力强大的国家常同弱小无助的国家发动战争以获得土地。
- The maternal love is the greatest power in the world. 母爱是世界上最伟大的力量。
- I believe, sir, that the greatest power on earth is love. “我相信,长官,在这个地球上最伟大的力量是爱。
- The armament of any of the great powers could destroy civilization. 任何大国的军事力量都能摧毁文明世界。
- "Three stooges,or a wise" that means people own the great power of creation. “三个臭皮匠,合个诸葛亮”,这就是说,群众有伟大的创造力。
- Annie: What are the great powers at present? 安妮: 目前的强国有那些?
- It is difficult to persuade the Great Powers to disarm. 要说服列强裁军是很困难的。
- The practice of playing off one great power against another is not new. 挑拨一个强国对抗另一个强国并不是什么新的手法。
- To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. 无论大小,都听从他,说,这人就是称为神的大能者。
- Remains the greatest power on earth. To that tremendous power alone will we submit. 正义始终是世间最强大的力量。只有对这种巨大的力量我们要顺从。
- And you may wake up one day to find you have lost the greatest power entrusted to men: to inform a free people. 而你也许会有一天醒来时发现你已失去了人类被赋予的最大权利,即向自由的人民提供信息的权利。
- The mind is the greatest power on Earth due to the fact that you are children of the Father that dwells within. 心智是地球上最大的力量,由于这个事实,你就是居住在你之内的天父的孩子。
- The greatest touchstone of any work is time. 时间是检验一切的最好的试金石。
- Should the US, the Great Powers and/or the UNSC take a stance? 美国,超级大国和(或)联合国安理会应该采取立场吗?
- It is difficult to persuade the Great Powers to disarm . 要说服列强裁军是很困难的。
- She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb. 她在攀登过程中表现出极大的耐力。