- You must cultivate the habit of thinking before you act. 你应当养成考虑好以后再行动的习惯。
- Break the habit of thinking that you need to drink to have a good time. 摆脱你需要喝酒才过得愉快的思维习惯。
- He has fallen out of the habit of drinking. 他已经戒除了喝酒的习惯。
- John bravely kicked the habit of cold turkey. 约翰勇敢地没有借药物的帮助就断然戒掉了毒瘾。
- My colleague has broken off the habit of smoking. 我的同事已经戒掉了吸烟的习惯。
- I wish I could get out of the habit of smoking. 我希望我能改掉吸烟的习惯。
- He is in the habit of rising early. 他有早起的习惯。
- Develop the habit of alternative thinking. 思想别的选择,有甚么别的选择?
- What is most necessary for young men today is to develop the habit of think for themselves. 对于现在的年轻人来说最必需的是养成独立思考的习惯。
- He forms the habit of getting up early. 他养成早起的习惯。
- The habit of thinking about too many things at the same time is extremely fatiguing and stress producing. 同时思考很多事情的习惯会非常的让人疲劳并且会产生压力。
- I've got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast. 我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯。
- Old impulses nust be superseded by new, the egoism of class society by the habit of thinking in terms of the collective. 旧的动力必须有新的动力来代替,阶级社会的利己主义必须由为集体考虑的习惯来代替。
- It is perfectly appropriate to intermingle sequences of events and outcomes, as long as you get into the habit of thinking in these terms. 只要你习惯用于这种思考方式,它非常适合事件和结果组成的混合序列。
- I can't get out of the habit of waking at six in the morning. 我早上一到六点就醒,这习惯改不掉了。
- Accept nothing at face value and get in the habit of thinking unconventionally.work hard,work smart and with a bit of luck,serendipity will play its part. 对任何东西持怀疑态度;养成不拘拟于常规思考的习惯;勤奋工作;凡事随机应变;再加上一点点运气;你的天赋就会得到充分的施展.
- He fell into the habit of going there every Saturday evening. 他每星期六晚上到那里去,已经成为习惯。
- Accept nothing at face value and get in the habit of thinking unconventionally.work hard,work smart and with a bit of luck, serendipity will play its part. 凡事不流于表面,放飞你的思维。勤奋、灵感再加上一点儿好运,定会有意外的收获。
- I've got into the habit of switching on the TV as soon as I gethome. 我已养成一到家就打开电视机的习惯。
- I'm not in the habit of going out after dark. 我不习惯在天黑以后出去。