- The Hong Kong Time Service 香港授时服务
- The Hong Kong Time Standard is provided by a caesium beam atomicclock. Accuracy within fractions of a microsecond a day is maintained. 天文台利用铯原子钟,提供香港的时间标准,该钟误差每日不超过一微秒。
- History of Hong Kong Time Service 香港授时服务历史
- The Hong Kong Observatory maintains the Hong Kong time standard and provides time signals for the public. 香港天文台负责维持香港的时间标准,以及提供报时讯号。
- The purpose of this euro clearing system is to facilitate the efficient settlement of euro transactions on a real-time basis within the Hong Kong time zone. 设立欧元结算系统,是为了让欧元交易能够在香港时区内高效率地进行即时结算。
- How many stops are there to the Hong Kong Bank? 到香港银行还有多少站?
- Hong Kong time is 8 hours ahead of GMT. 香港时间比格林尼治标准时间快八小时。
- Heres the Hong Kong Wetland Park. 香港湿地公园,到了!
- The Hong Kong Chinese Bank, Ltd. 香港华人银行。
- How did People discover the Hong Kong Orchid Tree? 选载1.;人们如何在香港发现洋紫荆?
- How many stops is it to the Hong Kong Bank? 到香港银行还有多少站?
- But it helped stabilize the Hong Kong market. 然而它确实帮助稳定了香港股市。
- ADAHK is the Hong Kong affiliate of the VSA arts. 香港展能艺术会是国际展能艺术会的香港成员。
- Interns from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 来自香港理工大学的实习生。
- The Hong Kong dollar shall be freely convertible. 港币自由兑换。
- At approximately the same time,Japanese armed forces attacked Hong Kong (December 8,1941,Hong Kong time). 同一时间(香港时间一九四一年十二月八日),日本又进攻香港。
- To the Hong Kong Anti Cancer Society. 与香港防癌会。
- Congratulations to the Hong Kong Film Archive! 恭喜香港电影资料馆!
- The data must be provided to Reuters between 10:45 a. M. To 11:29 a. M. Hong Kong time. 有关数据须于香港时间上午10时45分至11时29分之间输入。
- Reviewing the Hong Kong dollar debt market. 检讨港元债券市场。