- Dawns into the Jubilee of the Ages. 这个时代的盛典中破晓!
- The Jubilee Singers “庆典合唱团”
- In the jubilee it shall be released, and he shall return to his property. 到了禧年,地业要出买主的手,自己便归回自己的地业。
- The singer led off with a popular ballad. 歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。
- The young girls swooned when they saw their favorite pop singer. 年轻的女孩子们一看见她们最喜欢的流行歌星就神魂颠倒起来。
- The last line added was the Jubilee Line in1977 in honor of the twenty-fifty anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's crowning. 最后一条新建的路线叫朱比利线,是于1977年为纪念伊丽莎白女王登基25周年而修建的。
- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉强唱出低音。
- If there be many years that remain until the jubilee, according to them shall he also repay the price. 如剩下的年数尚多,他应依照年数的多少,出一部分赎价来赎身。
- In the Jubilee year, the field shall return to the seller, to the man to whose patrimony the land belongs. 一到喜年,这田地应退还给卖田的人,归于这块田地的原有人。
- The singer was led off the stage by the maestro. 歌唱家由那位著名的指挥领着离开了舞台。
- You are to buy from your countryman on the basis of the number of years since the Jubilee. 你要按照下一个禧年以前还剩余的年数向邻舍买;
- And if by these means he cannot be redeemed, in the year of the jubilee he shall go out with his children. 如果那人不能这样赎身,到了喜年,他可与儿女自由离去。
- The pop singer turned to figure in soap operas. 那位流行歌星转向屏幕,在肥皂剧中扮演角色。
- Because of the sanctification of the jubilee: but as they grow you shall presently eat them. 你们只可吃田地自然生的。
- The singer got the bird when she came out on stage. 这位歌手一出现在舞台上人们便以嘘声嘲弄她。
- The pop singer was mobbed by teenagers. 那个唱流行歌曲的歌手被一群青年团团围住。
- When the field is released in the Jubilee, it will become holy, like a field devoted to the LORD; it will become the property of the priests. 但到了禧年,那地从买主手下出来的时候,就要归耶和华为圣,和永献的地一样,要归祭司为业。
- The restaurant decide to engage a pop singer. 餐馆决定雇用一名流行歌手。
- Whose chains, heavy and grievous yesterday, are, today, rendered more intolerable by the jubilee shouts that reach them. 他们沉重的锁链,他们悲伤的昨天,在你们今天的欢呼声中更加沉重难耐。
- The singer gave an erratic performance. 演唱者未唱出水平。