- The Language of New Media 新媒体语言
- Fowler both edited and altered the language of the contract, boldly lining out large passages and insert in new ones. 福勒校改了合同的措辞,大刀阔斧地删掉了其中几段,插入几段新的。
- As the history of the industrial revolution shows, the fruits of new technology can often only be expressed at first with the language of an earlier technology. 正如工业革命的历史所显示的,人们用旧科技的语言来描述新科技的成果。
- The language of England girdles the globe. 英国语言全球通用。
- The language of the article is dull. 这篇文章语言乏味。
- We should purify the language of barbarisms. 我们应该消除语言中的粗俗语句。
- Specifies the language of the code snippet. 指定代码段的语言。
- Any of the languages of these peoples. 伊比利亚语这些民族的任何一种语言
- The Language of International Trade in English II. 国际贸易英语2。
- Additions of new media and many and various improvements FMC! -- 加入新的媒体以及更多!!
- What is migration in the language of technology? 什么是技术移民的语言?
- The language of eternal exhaustion. “是永恒的疲惫。”
- It's “Globish” now, the language of aspiration. 现在流行“全球性”,这是语言的灵感所在。
- Trope is also used to make the language of news comments concise, increase the imagery and effect of comments language. 比喻还运用于新闻评论的语言锤炼,增强评论语言的形象性和感染力。
- It’s “Globish” now, the language of aspiration. 现在流行”全球性”,这是语言的灵感所在。
- It's the language of all human behavior. 良好的举止是全人类行为的语言。”
- Various types of new media, this is a new shuffling start. 对各类新媒体来说,这无疑是一场新的洗牌的开始。
- Target language is the language of the translation. 目标语言是要作为译文的语言。
- New Eqyptian was the language of the 18th to 21st dynasties. 现代埃及语是18世纪到21世纪埃及王朝的语言。
- Which is to say, in the argot of new media: old, slow and expensive to produce. 也就是说,商业周刊被新媒体称作陈旧的,反应迟钝的及制作成本昂贵的杂志。