- The Lord of great grace and teacher of men, Buddha. 大恩教主。
- The serfs cowered before the lord of the manor. 佃农在地主前战战兢兢的。
- Did you see The Lord of the Rings? 你看过《魔戒》这部电影吗?
- The Lord of Chunshen 春申君
- Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways. 万军之耶和华如此说,你们要省察自己的行为。
- Gate of the Lord of the ARRA and the AGGA, Open! 阿拉与阿格迦王者之门,开启!
- Master Lu Pummels the Lord of the West. 沙译:Master Shi leaves Huayin County at Night.
- I, Thoth, stood before the LORDS of the cycles. 我,图特,站立在周期上帝面前。
- The LORD of hosts is mustering the army for battle. 这是万军之耶和华点齐军队,豫备打仗。
- Historians didn"t believe it.I take the new response to the examine of Huangshisan, Qianmu and Miaowenyuan, thinking the polt ture that Lord of Chunshen married Lihuan to the King Kaolie of Chu. 笔者对黄式三、钱穆和缪文远的考辨进行了新的回应,认为春申君纳李环给考烈王的阴谋是实有其事。
- Many monks believed the lord of death rule the world in winter. 教徒们相信冬天时死神便会统治世界。
- The peasant farmers were the thralls of the lord of the castle. 这些农夫是这个城堡的主人的奴隶。
- The Lord of Glory giving ear to the prayer of a poor woman. 光荣之神倾听了这个可怜女人的祷告。
- We were the lords of all creation. 见鬼,我好像就是在修自己家的房顶。
- The blessing of the Lord be upon you all. 愿主赐福于你们大家。
- The lord anointed thee King of Israel. (圣经)耶和华膏你作以色列的王。
- My soul and my life will be devoted to the lord of justice. 我将奉献我的灵魂和我的生命在公平之神的脚下。
- And the Lord of life holds all who die, and all who mourn. 主宰命运的上帝将会保佑所有罹难和悼念亲人的人们。
- Natural leaders read The Lord Of The Rings and often become bosses. 天生具有领袖气质的孩子喜爱读《魔戒》,他们往往最终成为老板。
- Godiva was the beautiful wife of the Lord of Coventry. 葛黛瓦是考文垂勋爵的漂亮太太。