- Cooperation for the development of the Mekong River valley is about to unfold. 湄公河流域开发合作即将全面展开。
- Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the Mekong River valley. 富庶的湄公河谷地,一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息。
- The Chinese side will pool energetic efforts in the development of the Mekong River valley. 中方将积极致力于湄公河流域开发。
- A Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the Mekong River valley. 富庶的湄公河谷地,一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息。
- 5.A Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the Mekong River valley. 富庶的湄公河谷地,一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息。
- 7.A Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the Mekong River valley. 富庶的湄公河谷地,一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息。
- 8.A Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the Mekong River valley. 富庶的湄公河谷地,一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息。
- The Mekong river valley 湄公河流域
- And the section out of China is called the Mekong River. 出了中国国境就叫湄公河。
- The eastern border of the country is defined by the Mekong river. 这个国家的东部以湄公河为界。
- A young man rides a motorized scooter past geese and donkeys that roam the throughway of a rural village in Laos's Mekong River valley. 在老挝湄公河河谷的乡村里,一个年轻人骑着一辆摩托机车穿过村庄里毛驴和鹅闲逛的道路。
- Vientiane, the capital of Laos, nestles on the banks of the Mekong River. 老挝的首都万象就座落在湄公河岸上。
- At the moment I am sitting next to the Mekong River at Vientiane, Laos. 那一刻我坐在老挝-万象的湄公河边。
- Vientiane , the capital of Laos, nestles on the banks of the Mekong River. 老挝的首都万象就座落在湄公河岸上。
- Cambodia, the land of the Mekong River and the Khmer people, has seen its fair share of violence and tragedy. 湄公河与高棉人的土地柬埔寨,在见证暴力与悲剧过后终于否极泰来。
- It is my pleasure to participate in this event and to represent the Mekong River Commission on this occasion. 我再次为代表湄公河委员会参加这次启动仪式感到荣幸。
- A member of a Buddhist people inhabiting the area of the Mekong River in Laos and Thailand. 老挝人居住在老挝和泰国境内湄公河流域的佛教信徒中的一支
- All of these luxuries shall be waiting for you in the Mekong River Restaurant of The Bund Hotel. 这一切就在“金外滩申福”的湄公河餐厅,入住宾馆的您绝对不容错过。
- It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. 首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游的是我的姐姐。
- Wetlands are critical to any ecological system, but particularly one which is as extensive and diverse as the Mekong River Basin. 湿地是不可或缺的生态系统,尤其是广泛富饶的湄公河流域。