- The Memories of Herbert Hoover 赫伯特·胡佛回忆录
- The war still bulks large in the memories of those who fought in it. 对于那些曾参战的人来说,那场战争仍记忆犹新。
- He saddened at the memory of her death. 他想到她已死去就很难过。
- How can we blot out the memory of past misery? 我们怎能忘记过去的苦难呢?
- He dwelt upon the memory of his mother. 他老是想着他的母亲。
- He was saddened at the memory of her death. 他想到她已死去就很难过。
- We have to extinguish the memory of the defeat. 我们必须抹去对那次失败的记忆。
- And a new book is taking a look at sketches from former commanders-in-chief, from the geometric designs of Herbert Hoover to the sailboats of JFK. 一本新书历数前总统的草图,从胡佛总统的几何设计到肯尼迪总统的帆船。
- How can we blot out the memory of past misery. 我们怎能忘记过去的苦难呢?
- He winces at the memory of that defeat. 一想到那次失败他就畏缩了。
- I still wince at the memory of the stupid thing I did. 我一想起自己做过的蠢事就不由得摇头叹气。
- The "Herbert Simon Lectures" is established in memory of Herbert A. “赫伯赛门讲座”乃为纪念赫伯赛门而设立。
- And a new book is taking a look at sketches from former commanders-in-chief, from the geometric designs of Herbert Hoover to the sailboats of JFK. "Presidential Doodles" chronicles two centuries of Oval Office artistry. 一本新书正在审视美国前任总统的艺术草图,其内容从胡佛总统的几何设计到肯尼迪总统的帆船,这本名为“总统涂鸦之作”的书是两个世纪以来椭圆办公室里艺术作品的编年史。
- A monument was dedicated to the memory of the national hero. 人们建立了一座纪念碑以纪念这位民族英雄。
- She sat musing over the memories of the past. 她坐着缅怀往事。
- The memory of the days we spent together often recurs to me. 我们当时在一起的情景现在还时常浮上我的心头。
- I shall always treasure the memories of our love. 我会一直珍藏我们的爱。
- A song: Still cant come over the memories of you. 歌曲:两两相忘。
- He built a chapel as a shrine to the memory of his dead wife. 他建了一座小教堂作为悼念亡妻的圣所。
- Such was the picture, and he thrilled to the memory of it. 当时正是这样的情景,他回想起来还感到毛骨悚然。