- The People and Their Guns 人民和枪
- She shows a total disregard for other people and their feelings. 她显然丝毫也不顾及别人以及别人的感情。
- Then there was a great outcry from the people and their wives against their countrymen the Jews. 百姓和他们的妻大大呼号,埋怨他们的弟兄犹大人。
- He realized that he must feel with the people and write the music they need. 他认识到,他必须和人民同呼吸,创作人民需要的音乐。
- This is the only correct choice that any government responsible to the people and their descendants can make under China's given set of special circumstances. 这是在中国特定情况下,任何一个对人民负责、对子孙后代负责的政府所能作出的唯一的正确选择。
- To help me enrich the people and strengthen our. 帮我富民强国?
- The people and voiture are as alike as formerly! 同样的人,同样的车在不断的穿梭着!
- The grand goal of constructing an affluent society in an all-round way reflects the pressing requiremnet of the people and their basic interests. 全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标反映了人民的迫切愿望,符合人民的根本利益。
- He shouldered off the people and got on the bus. 他用肩膀挡开人们, 然后就上了公共汽车。
- It is evident in the people and the culture. 它还跃然于民众和文化之间。
- The people do not exist to serve the government, as is the case in tyrannical societies, but rather the government exists to protect the people and their rights. 人民不是为服务于政府而存在,那是专制社会的情形;相反,是政府为保护人民和人民的权利而存在。
- She show a total disregard for other people and their feelings. 她显然丝毫也不顾及别人以及别人的感情。
- Each Construction administration department and construction company should take high attention, and adopt any effective method to ensure the safety of the people and their properties. 各地建设行政主管部门和施工单位要高度重视,迅速行动起来,采取有力措施,确保人民生命财产安全。
- I will bring distress on the people and they will walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD.Their blood will be poured out like dust and their entrails like filth. 我必使灾祸临到人身上、使他们行走如同瞎眼的、因为得罪了我.他们的血、必倒出如灰尘、他们的肉、必抛弃如粪土。
- It refers to a disagreement between young people and their parents. 代沟通常是指年轻人与父母间的分歧。
- One who admires and supports Black people and their culture. 亲近黑人之人羡慕和支持黑人及其文化的人
- One who fears or dislikes Black people and their culture. 畏惧黑人者惧怕或不喜欢黑人及其文化的人
- A touristic and personal exploration of people and their faces. 一个旅游者对人与面孔的研究。
- Lee lived for the people and died for the people. 李为人民而生,为人民而死。
- Yes,he likes the people and the quietness there. 对,他喜欢那儿的人和那里安静的环境。