- The revival of our country depends on our young generation. 我们国家的复兴要靠我们年轻的一代。
- She recoiled at the sight of the snake. 她一见到蛇就往后缩。
- He feared the revival of German nationalism. 他担心德国国家主义会死灰复燃。
- The New Age should be called the revival of the old age. 新时代应该被称为旧时代的复兴。
- The girl screamed at the sight of the snake. 那女孩看到蛇就尖叫起来。
- We oppose the revival of militarism. 我们反对军国主义的复活。
- At the sight of the snake, he drew back in horror. 一瞧见那蛇,他便吓得缩了回来。
- It was again influential in the revival of the arts in Germany after 1945. 它在1945年以后德国的艺术复兴中又重新得势。
- We studied the anatomy of the snake. 我们研究了蛇的解剖结构。
- He blanched (with fear) at the sight of the snake. 他看见蛇(吓得)脸色煞白。
- The revival of the Chinese nation requires not only material advancement but also cultural progress. 实现中华民族的伟大复兴,不仅需要发达的物质文明,而且需要先进的精神文明。
- In the Renaissance, such leaders of the revival of learning as Montaigne and Erasmus made lists of the books they read. 文艺复兴时期,领导文艺复兴运动的学者,如法国的蒙田和荷兰的伊拉兹马斯都曾把他们读过的书籍编制目录。
- The process of the revival of Modern Mohism is complicated,and inculudes three stages. 近代墨学复兴经历了三个阶段,是一个相当复杂的过程。
- Beijing and Washington yesterday called for the revival of the stalled Doha Round of global trade talks. 昨天,中美双方共同呼吁重启多哈贸易谈判。
- Li Long Gaelic girls, unfortunately, was selected as the revival of the ceremony live offerings. 盖尔族少女莉安珑不幸被选为复活仪式上的活祭品。
- The process of the revival of Modern Mohism is complicated, and inculudes three stages. 摘要近代墨学复兴经历了三个阶段,是一个相当复杂的过程。
- Would the revival of the wenren spirit in a modern version lead to a rebirth of the Asian civilization? 文人精神的 复兴,会不会是令亚洲文化再生的现代版本呢?
- Had she really seen the vision of the snake? 她是当真看到了蛇的幻影么?
- I'd like to show you one of the snake shops. 我带你看看蛇店吧。
- Just rehearsing for the revival of evita.What'd you find? |为重演"贝隆夫人"排练下而已 你发现了什么?