- The Sleepy Man Enters Heaven 瞌睡虫进天国
- I perceived a man enter the house. 我看到一个人走进这间房子。
- The police observed a man enter the bank. 警察注意到一个男人走进了银行。
- Lay the sleepy child in her bed. 把困倦的孩子放在她的床里。
- Meanwhile the window opens and a masked man enters the room. 这时候窗户开了,一个戴面罩的人走进房间。
- All people honor a chaste man in this world and such a man become entitled to enter heaven or attain salvation. 世界上所有人都尊敬一个贞节的人,而只有这样的人才能够有资格进入天堂并得到救赎。
- The mother made the bed for the sleepy child. 母亲为瞌睡的孩子铺床。
- Some animals pass the summer in the sleepy state. 许多动物都是在睡眠状态中度过夏天的。
- The old man enters the room support by his grandson. 老人由孙子扶著进了房间。
- As he stood there, he saw tow men enter the bar. 他站在那里时,看到两个人进入了酒吧。
- He held the sleepy child to his bosom. 他把昏昏欲睡的小孩抱在怀里
- The man entered the room by the back door. 那人通过后门进入了房间。
- The old man enter the room support by his grandson. 老人由孙子扶著进了房间。
- The sleepy pup 24)tilted his head and chuffed a welcome. 昏昏欲睡的小狗斜着头,呜呜地叫着表示欢迎。
- Just as you enter Heaven, a crowd of older "people" come up and surround you. 你刚进入天国,一群成年“人”就围了上来。
- So they enter heaven, and sure enough, there are ducks all over the place. 确认这三个女人了解后;他们进入了天堂.;但是天堂里到处都是鸭子
- The sleepy little river wound slowly through green meadows. 静静的小河慢慢地蜿蜒流过绿色的牧场。
- He noticed the man enter the room. 他注意到有人进屋了。
- A few days later I put up in the hotel a large, strong man entered my open door and greeted me in excellent English. 我在旅馆住下几天之后,一个块头很大,很壮的男人走进我开着的房门,用一口漂亮的英语欢迎我。
- The sleepy little town was changed when the big factory opened. 那家大工厂开办以后,寂静的小城镇变了样。