- The Spring For Financial Lease 金融租赁第二春
- According to the accounting postulates, this paper discusses some accounting policies for financial lease of fixed assets. 我国的《企业会计准则》对固定资产融资租赁会计处理的规定,虽然促进了融资租赁经济业务会计处理的规范化,但尚不能满足会计对这一经济业务进行全面反映与监督的要求。
- Financial lease as a means of financing has been adopted gradually by the enterprises in this country and it needs to go further into the method of accounting transaction for financial lease. 融资租赁作为一种企业融资手段,已逐渐为我国企业所认识与接受,但对固定资产融资租赁这一特殊经济行为的会计处理,仍是我们值得研究和探讨的问题。
- The spring was foul this year it was cold and wet for weeks. 今春天气恶劣--一连几个星期又冷又潮湿。
- The Beatles imagined spring for people to enjoy. 甲壳虫乐队却为人们描绘了令人愉悦的春天的美景。
- We're planning the spring party for next week. 我们在准备下周的迎春晚会。
- This is the spring for us. This is the spring for our big family and this is the spring for everyone. 在这一刻,我们已经感受到了春的气息,这是我们的春天,这是我们这个大家庭的春天;这更是我们每个人的春天;
- We participated in the spring fair. 我们参加了春季展览会。
- Didn't invent the time machine for financial gain. 我发明时光机器不是为了赚钱。
- It was too early in the spring for Sukey to be let out in the Big Woods to eat grass. 这样的早春时分,还不能放苏凯出去到大森林吃草。
- Article 1 The litigants of the disputed case over the contract for financial leasing shall include the leasor and the lessee. 一、融资租赁合同纠纷案件的当事人应包括出租人、承租人。
- The new buds appear in the spring. 春天嫩芽初绽。
- His new book will be appearing in the spring. 他的新著将於春季问世。
- He'll be home for the Spring Festival. 他今年回家过年。
- Many animal breed in the spring. 很多野兽在春天繁殖。
- Have you seen the designs for the spring season? 你看到春季时装的设计图了吗?
- Article 2 When the lessee in the contract for financial leasing is not the user who actually uses the leased property, the court may determine the user to be one of the litigants in the case according to the related facts. 二、融资租赁合同中的承租人与租赁物的实际使用人不一致时,法院可以根据实际情况决定将实际使用人列为案件的当事人。
- Fair girls were wived in the spring. 金发少女们在那个春天被人娶为妻子。
- Article 5 If the items involved in the contract for financial leasing shall have been approved by the related authorities but actually have not been approved, such contract shall be held null and void. 五、融资租赁合同所涉及的项目应当报经有关部门批准而未经批准的,应认定融资租赁合同不生效。
- Many animals mate in the spring. 许多动物在春天交配。