- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 这样的物价与我们的生活水准相符。
- Then, in accordance with the standard of compensation for different land uses "non-discriminatory" and would not have different compensation prices. 然后按照这个补偿标准,对用途不同的土地“一视同仁”,不会出现不同的补偿价格。
- The standard of his work is well below the average of his class. 他的成绩大大低於班上的平均成绩。
- Both the cost and the standard of living were lower before the war. 战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低。
- His work in maths needs to be brought up to the standard of the others. 他的数学功课需要赶上别人的水平。
- The standard of your work has fallen from the level we expect from you. 你的工作质量没有达到我们要求的水平。
- The standard of work has gone down. 工作的标准已经降低了。
- The standard of living has improved greatly. 生活的标准已经大大提高。
- The standard of performance has gone down. 表演水平自去年以来下降了。
- An inspector checked the standard of work. 视察员查验工作的质量。
- The standard of university education is very high. 大学教育的标准是非常高的。
- The culpability is the standard of the crimination. 共犯的主观罪过内容是定罪的根据;
- Language ability, the standard of Putonghua. 语言表达能力强,普通话标准。
- The Municipal Government may readjust the standards of compensations for expropriation of land in good time according to the social and economic development. 市政府可根据社会经济发展情况适时调整征地补偿标准。
- It used to be my favourite restaurant but the standard of cooking has fallen off recently. 那是我以前最喜欢的饭馆,但近来烹饪水平已大不如前了。
- The standard of the water for dust collection at c. 港口煤炭作业除尘用水水质标准。
- The standard of her work is high. 她的工作质量很高.
- The standard and amount of compensation in allocation is the core in the house remove in cities. 补偿安置的标准和数额是城市房屋拆迁的核心问题,而被拆迁房屋的评估是问题的关键。
- The standard of length in France is the metre. 法国的标准长度是米。
- How to judge the standard of virtual bigamy? 事实重婚中事实标准如何确定?