- The Story by theWater Margin 水浒传
- Well, everybody knows the story by now. 哦,如今每个人都知道这个故事。
- In The Story by the Water Margin, Li Kui is a hero from the countryside. 李逵是《水浒传》中的一位草泽英雄。
- I glanced at the comments on figures in The Story by the Water Margin, and found them quite good. 我看了几眼水浒人物论赞,感觉还不错。
- You lost the cream of the story by going to the kitchen. 你因为去了厨房而错过了故事中最精彩的部分。
- You've mutilated the story by making such big changes. 你作了这么大的改变,把故事弄得支离破碎了。
- Get four students in a group and drill the story by themselves. 四人一组练习表演故事。
- Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means. (喻)"你只要讲清事实,千万不要添枝加叶。"
- Let the students retell the story by using the key words. 最后,学生发挥了创造力,给“丑小鸭”编出了各种结尾,运用了所学的语言。
- You drag the story by the head and shoulders into every conversation we have. 每次谈话,你总要把那件事情硬拉进来。
- She is enthral by the story she hear. 她被她听到的故事迷住了。
- Close your book, look at the blackboard and retell the story by yourselves. (看第二步呈现在黑板上的关键词,复述课文。)
- Being illiterate, she had to learn the stories by heart. 由于她不识字,这些故事她都得背下来。
- Being illiterate, he had to learn the stories by heart. 由于他不识字,这些故事他都得背下来。
- Being illiterate,he had to learn the stories by heart. 由于不识字,这些故事他都得背下来。
- Being illiterate,she had to learn the stories by heart. 由于她不识字,这些故事她都得背下来。
- The story recalled old faces to my mind. 那故事使我想起了故旧们的老面孔。
- Lois: Superman wouldn't cut me out of the story by ratting on me to the opposing team. 超人不会把我出卖给对手还把我踢出报道的调查。
- He finished off the story in his usual manner. 他还像往常那样结束了这个故事。
- He capped my story by telling a better one. 他把我讲的故事加以改进,讲出一个更好的故事。