- But this is not a task that the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall can achieve alone. 叫晚晴园来肩负这个任务,担子未免太沉重,它会不胜负荷,会累倒的。
- The Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall is part of our historical heritage and its role should remain so. 晚晴园是历史遗产,不宜当作现实政治的资本,最好是让它一直以历史遗产的身分好好地独立存在。
- We should be happy that the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall has become a part of our history. 庆幸晚晴园已经纳入了新加坡正史。
- Curious crowds have been thronging the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall since it opened on Nov 12,especially on Sundays. 孙中山南洋纪念馆于11月12日开幕后,本地兴起一股“晚晴园热”。
- We should be happy that the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall has become a part of our history. The touching history of the villa is also the shared heritage of Singapore and China and the shared memory of the two peoples. 庆幸晚晴园已经纳入了新加坡正史,晚晴园可歌可泣的往事,是新加坡与中国共同拥有的历史遗产,是两国人民共同的记忆。
- The Sun Yat sen Memorial House 中山纪念馆
- Sun Yat Sen Memorial House in Macao. This place was once the house of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's first wife. 位于澳门文第士街的国父纪念馆,亦为孙中山原配夫人卢慕贞于澳门的住所。
- We should be happy that the Sun Yat sen.Nanyang Memorial Hall has become a part of our history. 庆幸晚晴园已经纳入了新加坡正史。
- Traffic entering Taipei along the Sun Yat Sen freeway will have a long wait. 沿着中山高速公路进入台北的交通要塞上好一段时间。
- None of the staff present and the few university history lecturers and students there knew Sun had been to Singapore. "What is the Sun Yat Sen Villa for?" they asked. 在场的工作人员与几位大学历史系的老师与学生,都不知道孙中山到过新加坡,还问“晚晴园是做什么的?”
- English: The photo of the Sun Yat Sen and his friends, so called "Four Bandits" in the College of Medicine for the Chinese, Hong Kong. 中文:孙中山先生在香港西医书院读书时经常与照片中数人畅谈反清抱负,抨击时政,被友人戏称为四大寇。
- Etched on my memory is a pictorial exhibition in Xi'an on "Sun Yat Sen and Overseas Chinese" (it was a nation-wide tour that was held in all major cities),the only exhibit that has something to do with Singapore is a picture of the Sun Yat Sen Villa. 最难忘是在西安看“孙中山与华侨”历史图片展(这是个巡回展,先后在全国各大城市举行),全部展品跟新加坡有关的只有一张晚晴园的风景画。
- Etched on my memory is a pictorial exhibition in Xi'an on "Sun Yat Sen and Overseas Chinese" (it was a nation-wide tour that was held in all major cities), the only exhibit that has something to do with Singapore is a picture of the Sun Yat Sen Villa. 最难忘是在西安看“孙中山与华侨”历史图片展(这是个巡回展,先后在全国各大城市举行),全部展品跟新加坡有关的只有一张晚晴园的风景画。
- Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hospital 孙逸仙纪念医院
- English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen in Japan, 1901. 中文:这是孙中山先生在1901年于日本所拍的照片。
- The reborn villa has sparked a positive chain of reactions. For instance,some people in Penang have suggested building a similar memorial hall at the original site of the Penang Philomatic Society,which was founded by Dr Sun Yat Sun. 获得新生的晚晴园,产生了巨大的轰动效应和良性连锁反应,远在槟城也有热心人士主张,将孙中山当年创办的槟城阅书报社原址建成类似晚晴园的纪念馆。
- Mr. Sun Yat sen is the forerunner of the Chinese revolution. 孙中山先生是中国革命的先驱。
- The reborn villa has sparked a positive chain of reactions. For instance, some people in Penang have suggested building a similar memorial hall at the original site of the Penang Philomatic Society, which was founded by Dr Sun Yat Sun. 获得新生的晚晴园,产生了巨大的轰动效应和良性连锁反应,远在槟城也有热心人士主张,将孙中山当年创办的槟城阅书报社原址建成类似晚晴园的纪念馆。
- English: The photo of Elderly Lady Yang, the mother of Sun Yat Sen. 中文:这是孙中山先生母亲杨太夫人的照片。
- The United Chinese Library was declared open by Dr Sun Yat Sen. 由孙逸先医生主持开幕的联合华人图书馆。