- The System of Criminal Fine 罚金刑制度论
- The creation and existence of the system of criminal advocacy have a profound philosophical foundation. 刑事辩护制度的产生和存在有着深刻的哲学基础。
- So some legists suggest we can adapt the system of plea bargaining of America to improve the facility procedure of criminal adjudgement of China . 于是有些法学家建议采用美国的辩诉交易制度来改进我国的刑事审判简易程序。
- The fundamental cause of criminal laws clash in our national autonomies lies in difference between ethnic groups,the system of autonomy and existential of autonomy rights. 民族之间的差异、民族区域自治制度及其自治权的存在是我国民族自治地区刑事法律冲突产生的基本原因。
- As the one of the most important part, the system of criminal evidence discovery is changing together with the criminal suit mode and the adjudgement system. 而刑事证据开示制度作为诉讼模式和审判制度改革的重要一环一直伴随其中。
- As the system of criminal trial in China is being changed from inquisitional into adversary;to construct discovery system has become an urgent problem to be solved. 随着我国刑事庭审方式由法官主导的审问制向控辩双方主导的对抗制转变,构建刑事证据开示制度也已成为我国刑事诉讼亟待解决的迫切问题。
- The system of discretional non-prosecution is not only beneficial t o the punitive purposes and the efficiency of criminal procedure, but also accor ds with the needs of public welfare. 酌定不起诉制度有利于刑罚目的的实现和诉讼效率的提高,符合社会公共利益的需要。
- The system of conveying mail by aircraft. 航空邮政用飞机运送邮件的系统
- To solve the problem of high rate of custody in criminal action, the thesis gives speculation to perfect the system of criminal compulsory measure and suggestion to mechanism of procuratorial work. 摘要针对刑事诉讼中羁押率高的现状,以减少羁押为目标对刑事强制措施体系完善进行了可行性构想,对改革和改善检察工作机制提出了意见和建议。
- We must understand the system of data presentation. 我们必须懂得表示数据的一套办法。
- The system of sounds of a particular language. 语音体系某一特定语言的声音体系
- The System of interrogating prisoners . 录囚制度等。
- It was difficult to end the system of slavery before the Civil War because the people who owned the slaves had a vested interest in keeping it. 美国南北战争以前,要废除奴隶制度是因难的,因为维持这一制度的人有既得利益。
- The system of OCM becomes more systemic and open. 4.组织职业生涯管理具有了系统性和开放性的特征。
- On the Philosophical Foundation of The System of Criminal Advocacy 论刑事辩护制度的哲学基础
- We are against the systems of the TMD and NMD. 我们反对美国的战区导弹防御系统和国家导弹防御系统。
- On the System of Criminal Defense by Lawyer in China 我国律师刑事辩护制度研究
- His theory predicates the system of the universe. 他的理论断定宇宙有体系。
- The System of Criminal Legal Aid:Problems and Prospect 刑事法律援助体系:问题与前瞻