- Please use the rope to tie the thief and the bandit together. 关键字:“请把小偷和强盗用绳子捆在一起”英语怎么说?
- He caught the thief and began to lay on. 他抓住小偷并开始狠揍他。
- They cornered the thief and caught him. 他们把小偷逼到了墙角,并抓住了他。
- They seized the thief and gave him to the police. 他们抓住了小偷,并把他交给了警察。
- The cobbler and the banker la fontaine. 皮匠和银行家。
- They caught the thief and lathered him. 他们逮住那个小偷揍了他一顿。
- The crucial moment, Bureau Chief He leads the police force to rush, apprehends both the thief and the stolen goods Hun Sen. 言谈间,何局长承认所以带警来,是因为老许说他有外遇一事其实十分准确,而他的情人正是警队的女警察...
- They caught the thief and made an example of him. 他们抓住了这个小偷,并且加以惩罚,以儆效尤。
- The Thief And The Cobbler 补鞋仔与贼阿爸
- Someone ought to punish the thief and teach hin a lesson. 有人应该惩罚一下这个小偷,并且教训教训他。
- Someone ought to punish the thief and teach him a lesson . 有人应该惩罚一下这个小偷,并且教训教训他。
- He launched himself at the thief and brought him to the ground. 他向小偷猛冲过去,把他按倒在地。
- He seized the thief and clung on to him until help arrived. 他抓住那贼死抱着不放,一直到有人来支援。
- The militiamen seized the thief and handed him over to the police. 民兵抓住小偷,交给了警察。
- The police arrested the thief and put him in prison . 警察将这个小偷逮捕收押。
- The thief and his associates were caught by the police. 那个小偷和他的同伙被警察抓住了。
- The police arrested the thief and put him in prison. 警察将这个小偷逮捕收押。
- Police chased the thief and eventually recovered the money. 警方追捕小偷并最终追回了赃款。
- The fence had been sawn through, and the thief stole all her sheep. 她的篱笆被锯摔了,那个小偷偷走了她所有的羊。
- The thief jumped into a car and made his escape. 小偷跳上汽车逃走了。