- The Virgin and the Gypsy 浪子与处女
- In Nagasaki, Manjiro had to trample on an imageof the Virgin and child. 不过,在长崎,万次郎被迫用脚踩踏一幅圣母和耶稣的画像。
- I will tell Maria and the Gypsy how to handle the horses. 我去告诉玛丽娅和吉普赛人怎样侍弄这些马。
- The virgin goddess of the hunt and the moon and twin sister of Apollo. 阿耳忒弥斯狩猎女神和月神,与阿波罗为孪生姊妹
- This is the virgin voyage of the ship. 这是这艘船的处女航。
- There were no footmarks on the virgin snow. 洁白的雪上没有脚印。
- The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that the crystalline structures of the virgin and modified corn starches were not changed, and only the surface properties were changed. 射线衍射(XRD)测试结果表明,改性处理并没有改变玉米淀粉的结晶结构,只是改变玉米淀粉的表面性质。
- They burned the forests and changed the rainfall, they swept the buffalo from the plains, blasted the streams, set fire to the grass and ran a reckless scythe through the virgin and noble timber. 他们烧毁森林,改变了此地的降雨,他们横扫千军,从平原上大袭野牛,炸毁溪流,对青草赋之一炬,并不顾后果,鲁莽地将其镰刀伸向贞洁且高尚的玉树。
- And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom. 而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。
- The woman is his mother the Virgin Mary. 那位妇女是他的母亲圣母玛丽亚。
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- Through these mountains a foot-track traverses the passes and the virgin jungle. 这片山脉有一条羊肠小道,穿过各个隘口和原始丛林。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- One depicts the Virgin Mary holding the Christ child, and the other shows the meeting of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. 一幅描绘怀抱耶稣的圣母玛利亚,而另一幅表现圣彼得和圣保罗的会面。
- The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs. 外头有刀剑,内室有惊恐,使人丧亡,使少男,童女,吃奶的,白发的,尽都灭绝。
- Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out. 有人打开了门,蜡烛随之被吹灭了。
- The Virgin Mary. Often used with Our. 圣母玛丽亚。常与our连用
- He is liked by the classes and the masses. 上层社会的人士和普通的民从都喜欢他。
- a painting depicting the Virgin and Child 一幅描绘童贞玛利亚和圣子耶稣的画
- John is English and the rest of us are Welsh. 我们当中,约翰是英格兰人,其余的都是威尔斯人。