- A good leader should always pay heed to the voice of the masses. 一位好领导应该经常注意倾听群众的呼声。
- Surely it was the sound of bells, the voice of the city, faint and musical, calling to him. 一点不错那是钟的声音,正是那个城市的声音,轻缈而悦耳地对他呼唤。
- The voice of the caller alerted her. 呼唤者的声音使她警觉起来。
- Even if she never hears the voice of the gods? 即使她不能听见神谕的声音?
- The voice of the people is the voice of god. 人民的声音就是神的声音。
- Our newspaper represents the voice of the people. 我们的报纸代表著人民的心声。
- The voice of the singer still rings in my ears. 歌唱家的声音仍萦绕在我耳边。
- Speech is the voice of the heart. 言为心之声。
- The voice of the Lord booms down the corridor. 主人低沉的声音在长廊中回荡。
- The voice of the Lord hews out flames of fire. 诗29:7耶和华的声音使火焰分岔。
- The voice of the Lancers has spoken. 尚未有人发布任何链接。
- Nothing was heard but the voice of the master and the scratching of pens on paper. 教室里是那么安静,只听见老师说话的声音和钢笔在纸上沙沙的响声。
- The voice of the so-called inanimate! 啊,这些无生命的东西却有多么动听的声音!
- It was like the voice of the landlord. 好象是地主的声音。
- Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain? 你可能合着山里所有的声音一起歌唱?
- The voice of the Negro was the call to action. 黑人的声音呼唤着行动。
- The voice of the people, the clarion of the war. 三、人民喉舌、抗战号角。
- A voice of uproar from the city, a voice from the temple, The voice of the Lord who is rendering recompense to His enemies. 赛66:6有喧哗的声音出自城中、声音出于殿中、耶和华向仇敌施行报应的声音。
- A deep gorge separates the two halves of the city. 有一道深谷把这座城市分成两部分。
- Rescues the city bubbling like a caldron, the voice of the people cannot turn a deaf ear to, the public opinion unblocking difficulty is also very big. 救市,民声鼎沸不能充耳不闻,民意疏导难度也很大。