- The Vows of Crazy Success 疯狂成功成功誓言
- It seems the vows of chastity belonging to a nun. 这似乎是一个修女的贞操誓言。
- The vows of love we make will live unitil ew die. 真诚相爱,我们的誓言到死不变。
- The vows of love we make will live until we die. 我们的爱情誓言会至死不渝。
- It seems the vows of chastity belonging to nun. 这似乎是一个修女的贞操誓言。
- To take the vows of a religious order or congregation. 宣誓入教宣誓加入某宗教组织或团体
- All the men took a vow of loyalty to their leader. 所有士兵都发誓效忠他们的指挥官。
- Troilus was heart-broken, but consoled himself with the vows of eternal love and faith which he and his beloved had exchanged. 特洛伊罗斯非常伤心,起先尚能借助他和心上人订立的海誓山盟聊以自慰。
- They must take the vow of absolute continence and eschew all thought of greed and lust. 他们必须发誓要绝对禁欲,避开所有贪婪和欲望的想法。
- Once he took the vow his loyalty never wavered. 他一旦宣了誓,他就一直忠贞不渝。
- Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy. 天主教神父发誓不结婚。
- Knowing this truth, one should observe the vow of celibacy in thought, speech and action whole-heartedly. 知道了这些事实,一个人必须在思想、语言和行为上都有遵守禁欲誓言之心。
- I.e., A king defends his nation, her culture and her people only by observing the vow of self-restraint, penance i.e., austerity and celibacy. 即:一个国王想要保护他的国家、他的文化和他的人民就只能通过遵守自制的誓言,苦修即朴素及禁欲。
- Having your body pierced is kind of crazy. 在你自己身体上穿孔可不怎么明智。
- Though free and passionate in word and action, he took the vow of austere religious chastity and never allowed the fire of purity to be extinguished by the slightest defilement of body or soul. 他虽然口头上和行动上表现出自由和热情,却立誓严守宗教贞操,决不允许纯洁的火被身体和灵魂的微小污点扑灭。
- I really kind of crazy fast think you want to feel. 我真的有点儿发疯迅速认为您想要的感觉.
- Remembering the vows / That I promised to keep. 牢记着誓言/这我许诺会保守(终身)的誓言。
- I think I ought to take vows of silence. 我觉得我应该发誓不说话。
- Clara took up the broken vow of women. 克莱拉捡起了女人常说的老掉了牙的誓言。
- Catholic priests take vows of celibacy. 天主教牧师宣誓独身。