- The world powers will meet in Paris this summer. 今夏世界上的大国将在巴黎聚会。
- Her works are acclaimed all over the world, especially in Europe. 她的作品获得全世界各地的赞赏,特别是欧洲。
- Hilaire, a friend i meet in the World of Warcraft(online game). 希拉莉,一个在魔兽世界(线上游戏)中认识的朋友。
- They first met in the World Cup Finals in 1930. 他们在1930年的世界杯上首次碰面,南美人打败了对手。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect. 世上没有十全十美的东西。
- Every year Caracas hosts an international Theater Festival, where groups from all over the world meet. 每年加拉加斯都会举办艺术节,来自世界各地的艺术团体络绎不绝。
- Predominant yew in Europe,extraordinarily long-lived and slow growing,one of the oldest species in the world. 欧洲一种主要的紫杉树,生长速度慢,但寿命极长,世界上最古老树种之一。
- Once again, Europe leads the world in street style. 欧洲再一次引导世界新潮流!
- How in the world do you expect me to know him? 你究竟怎么会想到我认识他呢?
- The Western Powers helped the World Revolution to entrench itself deep in Europe. 西方列强帮助世界革命来巩固本身深在欧洲。
- He showed no interest in the world around him. 他对周围的一切都不感兴趣。
- Carrefour, the first largest retailer in Europe, the second largest retailer in the world, was found in 1959. 成立于1959年的家乐福集团是大卖场业态的首创者,是欧洲第一大零售商,世界第二大国际化零售连锁集团。
- She's going for the world record in the high jump. 她想创造跳高世界纪录。
- It is now the most popular sport in the world with the major powers concentrated in Europe and South America. 足球是目前世界上最流行的运动。主要足球强国都分布在欧洲和南美洲。
- These boxers last met in the world title match last year. 这些拳击手上一次交手是在去年的世界锦标赛上。
- New York is among the largest cities in the world. 纽约是世界上最大的几座城市之一。
- Carrefour, the first largest retailer in Europe, the second largest retailer in the world, was founded in 1959. 作为欧洲第一大、世界第二大零售企业,法国家乐福公司成立于1959年。
- She is unschooled in the way of the world. 她不懂人情世故。