- The battle of New orleans 新奥尔良战役
- They died in the Battle of Waterloo. 他们战死于滑铁卢战役。
- It is the port city of New Orleans, Louisiana. 路易斯安娜州的海港城市??新奥尔良。
- The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium. 滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。
- The tenuous position of New Orleans is no secret. 新奥尔良的特殊地理位置并不是秘密。
- One of the events was the battle of New Orleans.British forces had begun the attack about the time the peace treaty was being signed in Ghent. 这个后起之秀的大学城,是当代艺术家喜爱的地方,拥有著名的国立当代艺术博物馆。
- This painting depicts the Battle of Waterloo. 这幅画描绘了滑铁卢战役。
- The battle of Sevastopol was costly for both sides. 塞瓦斯托波尔之战苏德两方付出了代价都是极高的。
- The city of New Orleans has so much to offer. 纽奥良大有看头。
- He met his end(= died)at the Battle of Waterloo. 他在滑铁卢战役中阵亡。
- When was the battle of Waterloo fought? 滑铁卢战争什么时候打的?
- World War II: The Battle of Dunkirk begins. 1940年的今天,二战中的敦克尔克战役爆发。
- Union victories at the Battles of Shiloh and New Orleans followed 联邦军接连在塞罗和纽奥良传捷报。
- The Battle of Hurtgen lasted ninety days. 霍根战役持续了90天。
- Napoleon would have won the battle of Waterloo. 滑铁卢战争的胜利也许属于拿破仑了。
- This picture represents the battle of Waterloo. 这幅画描绘的是滑铁卢战役.
- Slowly, the allies won the Battle of the Atlantic. 盟军逐渐赢得了大西洋战争。
- A: US Mayor Nagin of New Orleans arrived at Shanghai for a visit. 答:美国新奥尔良市市长纳金先生日前抵达中国上海进行访问。
- The naval captain who defeat Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar in1805, and so stop him from invade England. 他是一名海军将领,在1805年特拉法格海战中击败了拿破仑的军队,从而阻止了他入侵英国。
- Many of these boats carried dance bands made up of New Orleans musicians. 河上许多船只都载有新奥尔良乐师组成的舞蹈伴奏乐队。