- The beach is a good place to fish from. 海滩是钓鱼的好地方。
- The beach is fine,but the nightlife is very dull. 海滨很美,就是夜生活太无聊。
- A ship on the beach is a lighthouse to the sea. 应作:岸上的船如同海上的灯塔,不能移动。
- The beach is ideal for flying kites. 这片海滩放风筝很理想。
- B: The beach is made from natural white sand. 海滩是由自然的白砂构成的。
- The beach is swarming with bathers. 海滩满是海水浴的人。
- The beach is covered with seaweed. 海滩上长满了海草。
- The beach is a good place to get a suntan. 海滩是个让皮肤晒成古铜色的好地方。
- The beach is fine, but the nightlife is very dull. 海滨很美,就是夜生活太无聊。
- The beach is within striking distance. 海滩近在咫尺。
- Swarm: The beach is swarming with bathers. 海滩满是海浴的人。
- Let me warn you that the beach is very overcrowded. 我告诉你,海边的人会非常多。
- The beach is within a stone's throw. 到海滩只是一箭之远。
- The beach is winding 垠岸迂回
- In summer the beach is a colourful field of sun awnings. 每当夏天,海滩上的太阳伞,像一朵朵盛开的鲜花,五彩缤纷。
- The path down to the beach is very precarious in wet weather. 通往海滨的小路雨天非常湿滑危险。
- The water of the beach is clean and it is classified as a Grade. 沙滩的海水很干净,因而这里被定为一级沙滩。
- The beach is crowded with bather when the shark is sight . 发现鲨鱼时,海滩上正挤满着游泳者。
- The beach is beautiful, but rather cold at this time of the year. 这个季节,海滩很美,但比较冷。
- The effect of the pollution on the beach is absolutely tragic. 污染海滩的后果是可悲的。