- The big deal be that 最大的问题是
- Miranda: So what's the big deal? It's just a fling. 此处译为一时的享乐。还有投掷,猛冲,嘲弄,扫视等意思。
- The deal was that you stay under the radar. 我们的约定是你秘密处理。
- The big deal is that, as usual, you were inconsiderate. 重要的是,你和往常一样,不替别人着想。
- So, what's the big deal about Nantou? 我想知道南投县的重要性?
- That little bop made away with the big pie. 小男孩把大馅饼吃光了。
- It is no big deal being able to hear the sounds of the outside world. 所以,听到外面的声音不怎么了不起,听到内边的声音才是重要!
- The biggest risk of all may be that we have come to rely on Greenspan too much. 也许,最大的风险是我们太依赖格林斯潘了。
- It may well be that the train is delayed. 很有可能火车晚点了。
- What is the big deal about encrypting part of a Web services message? 加密部分Web服务消息时的主要问题是什么?
- The big fish will be on the take in the water. 大鱼在水中会伺机捕捉小鱼。
- JULES I think her biggest deal was she starred in a pilot. 朱尔斯:我想她最重要的演出是在一个试片里担任主角。
- Be that inside the free allowance? 这没超出免费行李额吧。
- Big deal! I caught a fish twice that big last week. 了不得!上星期我钓到的鱼有那条的两倍大。
- But for all the big games,when I looked over at the sideline,there was that familiar fedora. 但每次大型比赛,当我抬头环视看台时,那顶熟悉的软呢帽总在那儿。
- Media is making a big fuss about it. He is just telling the truth. He's an actor not a politican, what's the big deal? 成龙说的是产品,和针对大部分没有信用的商人,难道你好信中国产品?每天都是负面消息,教每个爱中国的人心痛。
- The deal was completely above board. 这笔交易是完全光明正大的。
- Jim : Relax, will ya? I paid all the other bills. It's only a week late. What's the big deal? 吉姆:别激动,好吗?其他帐单我都付了。只不过迟了一个星期嘛,有什麽好大惊小怪的?
- "We're not going to get home court in the second or third rounds anyways ... so what's the big deal? “我们在第二轮或者第三轮甚至更后都不会有主场优势。所以这不是什么大问题不是?”
- The upshot of it all was that he resigned. 结果他辞职了。