- She will never come into the bookstall again. 她不会再来这个报摊了。
- You can buy the movie magazine at the bookstall by the theatre. 在戏院旁边的书摊上你能买到电影杂志。
- I bought Yuefei's Complete Biography in the bookstall. 我在书摊儿上买了一本《岳飞全传》。
- Are you reading the book you picked up at the bookstall this morning? 你在读今天早上在书摊上买的那本书吗?
- A detailed guide to the Regimental Chapel is available from the bookstall. 您可以在教堂的书店里找到关于国王直属团礼拜堂的更详细的资料。
- You must go to Uttoxeter in my stead, and tend the bookstall in the market place there. 你得代我到尤托克西特村去照管一下我在那里集市上摆的书摊。
- Will newsprint not be available in a few years time, also magazines at the bookstall? 新闻纸将不能在数年之后,又在书摊杂志?
- Many guests request spiritual information at the Bookstall outside the seminar hall at University National. 国家大学的讲座会场外,来宾在经书流通处索取资料。
- A much more detailed guide to the embroideries can be obtained from the bookstall. 您可以在教堂的书店里找到关于这些刺绣品的更详细的介绍。
- You must go to Uttoxeter in my stead , and tend the bookstall in the market place there. 你得代我到尤托克西特村去照管一下我在那里集市上摆的书摊。
- More detailed literature is available from the bookstall which is situated at the back of the church. 在教堂后面的书店里您可以找到更详细的文献。
- There was still half an hour left in which to drive to the station, buy the last weeklies at the bookstall with the air of seasoned travellers. 还有半小时的光景,供他们坐车到火车站,摆出见过世面的旅客的样干,在车站的书摊上买几份近期周刊。
- There was still half an hour left in which to drive to the station, buy the last weeklies at the bookstall with the air of seasoned travelers. 还有半小时的光景,供他们坐车到火车站,摆出见过世面的旅客的样子,在车站的书摊上买几份近期周刊。
- Then he went to a bookstall8 to buy a piece of paper.Oscar found even in the bookstall, there were lots of roses and lilies. 奥斯卡发现,即使在报刊亭里都也摆放了很多玫瑰花和百合花,奥斯卡买了一束红玫瑰和一些白色的百合花。
- That is midday of one the world after school, he turns foolishly before the bookstall of street edge, turned to also be worth good-looking book without what a long time greatly. 那是一天下午放学后,他在街边的书摊前瞎转,转了大半天也没有什么值得好看的书。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- After his long travel, the flat-vowelled voice of the bookstall clerk offering the latest novel sounded pleasant-pleasant the independent answers of a bearded guard, and the stodgy farewell sayings of a man and wife. 经过了长期旅行以后,书摊上书贩子推荐新出版小说的那种平板音调很悦耳--一个长着胡髭的路警的富有自信的答话,以及一对夫妇的干巴巴的话别,听起来也挺舒服。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- After his long travel, the flat-voweled voice of the bookstall clerk offering the latest novel sounded pleasant-pleasant the independent answers of a bearded guard, and the stodgy farewell sayings of a man and wife. 经过了长期旅行以后,书摊上书贩子推荐最新小说的平板的声音听着很悦耳-连一个长着胡髭的路警的不受拘束的答话,以及一对夫妇的平凡的话别,也听着挺舒服。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。