- The cars had smashed so hard 车子猛地一撞
- The car had been booby-trapped by terrorists. 恐怖分子在那辆汽车里安放了饵雷。
- The car had its hazard warning lights on. 这辆汽车亮起了危险信号灯。
- All the cars had their headlights on. 所有的汽车都打开了车前大灯。
- The car had changed hands five times before I bought it. 这辆汽车在我买来之前已经转过5次手了。
- The car has had a new wing welded on. 这辆汽车焊接了一个新的翼子板。
- The engine of the car has been souped up. 这汽车的发动机加大了马力。
- The car has been badly mashed up in the accident. 这辆汽车在事故中被压碎了。
- The car has practically fallen apart. 汽车简直已经四分五裂了。
- The truck struck the car so hard that its tail was crushed in. 小汽车被卡车撞得如此厉害以至于尾部都凹进去了。
- When my father learned that I had smashed a fender on the car, he blew his top. 当我父亲知道我撞坏了汽车的一个挡泥板时, 他勃然大怒。
- The front of the car has a dent in it. 小汽车的前面有一个凹痕。
- When my father learned that I had smashed a fender on the car,he blew his top. 当我父亲知道我撞坏了汽车的一个挡泥板时,他勃然大怒。
- The car has been modified for racing. 这辆汽车已改装为赛车。
- The car has to be constantly maintained. 汽车必须经常保养。
- The car has four forward gear and one reverse gear. 那汽车有四个前进挡和一个倒挡。
- The cars in the Formula racing cars have one seat. 在方程式汽车赛中使用的汽车都只有一个座位。
- The car have its drawback and it have its virtue. 这汽车有其短处,也有其长处。
- The cars have been broken down for scrap. 那些汽车已经拆掉当废铁。
- The car had been his proudest possession. 这辆汽车是他最引以自豪的财产。